Unlocking New Dungeon Tazavesh, the Veiled Market – Shadowlands Questline 9.1

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Unlocking New Dungeon Tazavesh the Veiled Market
Shadowlands Questline 9.1


17 thoughts on “Unlocking New Dungeon Tazavesh, the Veiled Market – Shadowlands Questline 9.1”

  1. I love how the transitions remind me a lot of Freelancer's Trade Lanes! It would be awesome if the travel could be disrupted by pirates or something like that in some unknown section of the In-Between, at least as part of a quest to reach a new area.

  2. I can’t seem to get this quest and I’m not sure where to go.. anyone else have this problem. I went to the innkeeper in oribos and they have nothing but I’ve never done the quest before


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