I love how the transitions remind me a lot of Freelancer's Trade Lanes! It would be awesome if the travel could be disrupted by pirates or something like that in some unknown section of the In-Between, at least as part of a quest to reach a new area.
I can’t seem to get this quest and I’m not sure where to go.. anyone else have this problem. I went to the innkeeper in oribos and they have nothing but I’ve never done the quest before
Shadowlands 9.1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAAoYocWTwC–DZqtxlIclAaEqCA-ygdW
Garrosh Hellscream in the new raid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukGXUPGsgvY
Sylvanas and Bolvar Intro: https://youtu.be/kHv2FJ7-uRg
Cool Brokers flying boat 😱
This reminds me of Swtor
I would have prefered a new zone based on that architecture than a "The Maw II: Because you loved the first one".
Broker has wares if you have coin.
(Plays Aladdin music)
“I have another plan”
Barge in and kill them all
This is the biggest kingdom hearts reference I've ever seen. 😂 Slightly reminds me of a gummi ship travel sequence.
So they are basically more fancy ethereals.
Tazavesh – Activision idea of paradise, where money flows and the rich get even richer.
Al Dalil (الدليل) literally means "the guide" in Arabic. Brokers are Arabs confirmed.
I love how the transitions remind me a lot of Freelancer's Trade Lanes! It would be awesome if the travel could be disrupted by pirates or something like that in some unknown section of the In-Between, at least as part of a quest to reach a new area.
Another amaizing voice actor 😃
0:56 wasnt it the line from game of throne
I wonder if we will ever access the city in the open world and have be like a player hub or something.
I can’t seem to get this quest and I’m not sure where to go.. anyone else have this problem. I went to the innkeeper in oribos and they have nothing but I’ve never done the quest before