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0:00 – Shadowlands ‘NEGATIVITY’ – A CURE to the PROBLEM ???
2:37 – Skill Share SPONSORSHIP
4:46 – WoW Has Problems we need to talk about
7:25 – The Connection with WoW Systems
13:02 – Grinds in MMOs are REAL
15:53 – The Best Defence for MMOs
19:30 – Blizzard are “forcing” Content Creators to highlight these issues
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Two examples that best explain my frustrations with WoW: 1. Blizzard's idea of improving the slow anima gains is to implement a boost that requires tons of anima farming to unlock the benefits. Or How the Path of Ascension requires tons of Medallions of Faith yet when you unlock the PoA weekly quests, the rewards don't even include any medallions. 2. Storytelling and development within the WoW game is like Game of Thrones season 8 compared to a game like FFXIV which tells it's in game stories more like GoT seasons 1-3. It makes a world of difference on my enjoyment within an mmorpg when the stories are so well done in the game.
Content probably, nothing is overtly wrong with Shadowlands other then the lack of actual content and a few problems that they’re trying to address in 9.1..the negativity is just purely the lack of patients that plague the gamers community, honestly everyone was just loving Shadowlands a few months ago and all of the problems still present existed then; it was just fresh. Now like nearly every expansion it is some how bad and dead in the water according to some…it’s nearly as ridiculous as some of the stuff Blizzard says
As a filthy casual I'm not currently having any problems with the game. I pop on do a lil farming maybe gain a lv or 2 on an alt and then move onto other games. 😀
The cure for the problem is to stop lying ourselves, admit that the game is dead, unsubscribe, unninstall and move on with our lives. I know its harsh but its the truth
what a bunch of wordy shit. blizzard is not blizzard and they just want profits. also wow if your girlfriends game now
You lost me dude, more then 5 minutes to start the point of the video.
I used to enjoy the game immensely, the interaction with others, exploring, the lore, pvp & questing was ok back then. Then they started forcing folks to do things to get gear, such as pvp. Not all folks enjoy it, I do, but I have to be in the right frame of mind for it. Forcing me to do it though makes it unenjoyable. Forcing me to get rep with all factions when not all have gear relevant to my spec is a waste of my time. WoW isn't my job, but it's become like one, too many things I have to do just to get to where I might want to be. That end goal for myself also changes over time too. In Cata I had a blast in PVP, BFA not so much. At that time it was raiding. Now I'm just floating aimlessly, with no goal or focus anymore.
You given folks a lot to think about, myself included. I've cancelled my wow sub though. None of my friends that I ran with even play anymore, and I'm utterly bored with how it is right now. I might get a game card once 9.1 comes out just to see how it is but I'm not sure if I will pay for it anymore going forward.
WoW feels like a hamsterwheel since WoD, people have hoped for a long time that it will get better but it only gets worse with the hamsterwheel mechanics. I think we have gotten to a point where people have lost hope, I know I did.
I also lost hope in Blizzard, at this point it's just greedy Activision and Bobby that wants to buy another yacht.
Can we all agree that the decline of WoW was caused in large part by J.Allen Brack? He killed EQNext , and now hes destroying WoW. As long as him and EA are at the helm WoW, and Blizzard as a whole will never recover. I feel so bad for guys like Mike Morhaime and Chris Metzen, and the many other developers who poured their heart and soul into WoW, only to watch Brack and the morons at EA ignite and dance around the pyre of the game, and pissing on the ashes. Brack=Death to any game he touches.There is no way to save WoW at this point. End it and leave it alone. None but the original writers/developers can salvage what is left of the rotting husk that is WoW. FFXIV came out of no where and has raised the bar so high now, that WoW will never catch up or recover. Brack and his cronies only care about the share holders and lining their pockets. Time gating is just a way to ensure paid subscriptions over extended periods to ensure consistent income. Listen to the gaming community, try to implement their desires into the game. This is what Square is doing and not only has it resulted in the 1st game to every de-throne WoW, people are flocking to it in droves. Why? They listen to their communtiy!!!
The problem is the lack of character depth across the board. All classes are the same or similar template. You really lack choices that make you delve deeper into your character and with the model of the current leveling and pacing the amount of depth is really lacking. You can be okay with content droughts in lore if your character can dive deeper into an immersive world instead of an "island" we will never return to after the current expac
Is there going to be a 10.0 though, if Zovaal wakes up Azeroth? :-p
What I don't really get is how many people hate the story WoW/Blizz is going for. The story is imo one of the best parts of WoW.
Sure, it's kinda detached from what an individual would normally experience and on a cosmological level instead but illusions of grandeur is exactly what an MMO is supposed to sell us all the time.
I had a subscription renewable every 6 months with Blziard, since the Cataclysm. At the end of BfA, I removed the subscription and in February, I left the game, seeing that lamelands wouldn't bring anything I wanted.
New and important races for ally to recover from her faction pride? No.
Recovering the pride of being a member of the ally? No.
People are asking for more races for both factions, more equips and race customizations, new classes, housing, for lore that better represents each race and faction, that conflicts are believable and are related to warcraft and less cosmic themes, that products from previous expansions ( ore, herbs, tailoring, etc ) won't be thrown away when the new xpac arrives, for better balancing of the classes you don't need to have so many nerfs and buffs making one class/spec overpower and the others thrash. And blizzard's response?
Timegate, discouraging RNG, boring WQ, a safe that gives the same loot twice, that this is a "player issue" and that the alliance battlecry should be "Have Mercy!"
10 years of hearing this and waiting for something that won't come. My camel's back broke.
The thing is so bad that even other youtubers are making room for other games because their audience is no longer so fond of warcraft and has gone to other games in search of life.
shadowlands sucks worse then wod. i was bored 3 months in. prof. are dead. arc. was completely dropped. it takes so long to get from o0ne zone to another and this will not be helped by flying.
people arent clones. if you have 10 people in a room they wont agree on anything.
wow is a party where the host order 200 pizzas….all with everything on it. some people are ok with that but almost all would rather leave some stuff out. eventually they would rather have no pizza then eat stuff they dont like.
I played BFA hard until just before 1st patch. Raided up to Mythic uldir. Then came back to try shadowlands after it had been out a few months, after 1 or 2 runs in the maw and torghast I quit. Didn't even finish my 30days of game time, didn't even do a M0.
I hate how everything is forced i like to collect and have a boat load of different legendries at 235 but due to the way it is torghast is meh, and it seems sad they think is go fast pew pew, there's no variety or uniqueness to classes or gear or any systems the implement anymore
We are back at level 60 why no give us our talents back to bring an awesome way to customize power, this conduits system is fine but why limit it… I've had fun with my paladin and I hate the levelling experience besides going through the story and doing that ore than once is not fun i have got a 60 warlock now but its harder to join lower keys than it is to join a 15 on my main
Biggest problems: Content coming out too slow/not at all, zones are horrible to transverse (need more flightpaths), Torghast and the Maw are awful chores, Covenants are really unbalanced (my Orc Warlock should not have to be with the Night Fae, in universe-wise). I'm not going to quit or anything, because I still have fun raiding. But there are massive issues. My great guild is the main reason I'm still playing. I loved Legion, they need to return to that content pacing.
2nd Comment: Yeah, agree w everything you say.
I dont understand the mindset of having to play 1 game 24/7. There are a ridiculous amount of games out there, play them, take a break. I play WoW to raid with the "boys" idc for questing /casual content. Blizzard still for the most part nails the raids outta the park.
The game is super boring right now, and if it wasn’t because I have a nice group that runs M+ a few times a week, I wouldn’t be playing anymore
Mild panic
WQ are the same as daily quests in the past,the difference is that WQ are spread on whole zone and Dailies were on a "hub".
Both are done to get your rep,then you dont touch em.
the only advantage i see in WQ is that you have different rewards(prof skill ups,pet charms,gear,mats) wich in dailies were giving only gold(i may be wrong here).
Still new to Shadowlands so am liking so far 😀
I'm not sure why world quests are being lumped into this, yes its boring braindead content but its also entirely optional, there's no progression tied to these anymore, just cosmetics (who are limited to sets we already have with different color tints or trims lol), they don't gobble up too much dev resources either as they're reused storyline quests and i do think there's a place for that kind of simple-minded grinds in a game like WoW, its gives people something to do when they just want to relax or watch TV or Youtube (guess what i was doing when i had this video in the background.) The one thing i think its lacking is some form of excitement, and this is where RNG could come into place (give me 1 second to explain before pulling out the pitchforks). I wouldn't want them to nerf anything to counterbalance this its not necessary, but why don't they add different tiers of "anima clusters" for example, completing a WQ could something give you bigger ones, why isn't there more BoE gear to farm and sell? Why is crafted gear so bad? Why can't we farm rarer materials to crafter higher ilvl gear? There's dozens of things they could do to make the open world grind a bit less stale but they don't do any of it.
The primary issue is Torghast, its yet another completely failed experiment that isn't fun in any way, its a completely half-assed attempt at copy-pasting mechanics from another genre that somehow managed to ignore what makes that genre fun in the first place almost entirely, its a mandatory grind that feels completely unrewarding as farming for legendaries isn't fun, its literally just a requirement to be able to perform decently in the fun aspects of the game. How they managed to botch this so badly is seriously a feat of strength and i don't see it really changing with 9.1. Adding a scoring system to it won't make me want to run it more.
And the biggest offense of Torghast is the sheer amount of development time it takes from the devs that could instead be used to produce more content that people actually like. Imagine if Shadowlands launched with lets say, 2 extra dungeons using Torgast assets and maybe a 3 boss raid with really challenging achievements/hard modes (alongside Castle Nathria), instead of fucking Torghast. We'd 100% be in a better place than we are now, no question about it.
Shadowlands is great outside of lack of patches. Small issues, but no expansion killers.
I think torghast is fun, but there isn't enough rewards connected to it. Soul ash shouldn't be a reward.
The story of shadowlands is great, but the covenant abilities matter more than they should.
Could use more world content, but that usually comes with patches. World bosses should be harder.
I've thought since Legion that the biggest problem with WoW right now is the dev team's apparent belief that if they can just force us to do things we don't like for long enough, eventually we'll decide we like them. They can't seem to grasp that many of us tried aspects of the game, didn't like it, and would rather be left alone to do the things we enjoy. I enjoy many aspects of the game – I am, in fact, someone who really likes world quests – but I like everything more when I do it because I'm in the mood for it, not because Blizzard has decided to include it on my daily chore list. (I'd say anima really showcases this issue: the anima grind is "optional", but it's also one of the main ways to get renown. No matter how little interest you have in the anima rewards, that quest shows up every week, applying the subtle pressure of "you should be doing this.")
1. False, 2. True – all games are geared to a specific audience. 3. No. 4. Why does Blizzard continuously try? Because loads of YouTubers are constantly complaining. I get what you're saying about everything being connected, but that hasn't been my experience. Once you hit top renown you don't have to keep doing world quests. I am a casual player and I have been playing since 2004. I haven't had too much trouble with this expansion. I don't generally do dungeons unless I have to because pugging has gotten so hideous. Because of that, I thought Torghast would be pretty cool since you can run it by yourself, but I have found that I can only get so far through it when you have a squishy class, and I really don't have all the time in the world to spend on it. So I have been glad that I don't have to spend more time in the Maw than necessary. I guess I figure that every expansion has its good and bad points and every expansion we get so far into the expansion and many of the YouTube folks start complaining. This time around it seems like everyone has spent COVID playing but hasn't considered that COVID has interfered with the making of the patches. Honestly, I wish that each expansion didn't seem to go by so fast. There always seems to be this mad dash to get through the expansion, and then everyone starts complaining that they are bored. I have never really gotten bored. I have a life to live and WOW is my hobby. I have never been able to do everything in an expansion because there is so much to each one. But this happens with every expansion. Some YouTubers seem to get loads of reinforcement from being negative and so they have become even more negative. I don't think WOW is so terrible. I think that SL has actually done a good job in the very area you are not happy with. And before you get upset with me for saying that let me explain. Expansion after expansion I have started out great and then I get to some point where I can't see the rest of the story because I am forced to run a mythic dungeon or I have to do some kind of PVP thing or something that I don't want to do. In Legion for example I could only get so far in my tailoring because to get the next recipe I had to do a Mythic dungeon. I don't do Mythic. I don't have the time to spend on this game that would enable me to get all the gear necessary, nor do I want to spend the inordinate amount of time it will take to pug the harder levels. I am not able to say I can log in at the same time every week to be in a guild, so I have had to just not progress in so many expansions until the expansion is over. SL has actually been the first expansion that made more reasonable connections. The dungeons I have had to do were short and easily done in a pug group. If you don't enjoy the world quests, then hit your top renown and then move on to something else. If you enjoy Torghast, run it as much as you want. I actually think that SL has given us more flexibility. I have renown 40 on the first toon I have put through. This whole time everyone has been complaining, I have actually been able to progress 3 other toons into SL and I'm working on getting a 4th into SL as well as getting all the alts up to LVL 60 and then top renown. I have never been able to do this before and so to me, SL has been pretty good. I honestly think everyone needs to relax and enjoy the game. Give the developers time to recover from COVID-related delays. I don't know about you, but COVID had a huge impact on my ability to do my job in spite of it all moving to the internet during COVID. I think that those who are complaining need to be more gracious since the entire world just went through COVID. It seems like too many of the YouTubers who are complaining just ignore that massive impediment to getting the patches out when the players wanted them. I have been a loyal player for 17 years. Every expansion is exciting and has great things to do, and every expansion has parts people don't like. I have never understood why some people get so very upset about these things, and I can't help but wonder if the complaining of the players isn't going to be the demise of the game.
1. I don't fit any of those groups. 2. I personally agree. Blizz does some things good and some shit. 3. Yes, u can do things that appeal to everyone. U make it so all things are available to all people, to get how they choose. P2w, pvp, please, online, offline, farming, and cash shopped. Finally, I think 90% of blizzards problem started when they gave influencers access to alpha and beta of games. Not too mention any influence in the development if said games. The first step to correcting blizs' problem is to ban influencers. You are not forced…. play or don't. U know going in what the game is. But u shouldn't get to shit on a half finished system because u don't like this iteration. I preferred the old systems, that u had to put efforts Into getting dungeon and raid keyed. Even requiring resist gear.
Going back to Cata, I started doing it where I would rejoin the game after the last patch, because the game itself felt time gated. The only expansion I didn't do that with was Legion, which was imo the only good expansion since Wrath.
too much locking players out forcing imbalance. not all of us want to be purple glitter fairies but they make nightfae have all the power. you a punished with a performance penalty for picking the story you want to play. awefully done. pvp players play when pve content is run out but they didn't add any pvp stuff to do on release either.
Sometimes you just get it wrong. There literally is no reason to grind most of the systems you described. I can’t understand why people can’t see that. I enjoy the anima grind because it’s so unnecessary. I don’t have to run torghast because I have enough soul ash to build a max level legendary now but it looks like I won’t need to. Done with twisting corridors because I am done. You are just one player with one opinion. Why try and convince people that are happy that they should be miserable. If you are unhappy move on because it’s not healthy to play something you seem to not like.
Things need to change. I don't know how; I have no answers, I only know that WoW doesn't seem fun anymore. I mainly do old content now, but to be honest, I've spent a lot of hours playing Valheim this year, and it's the first time since 2004 that I've really invested my time in a game other than World of Warcraft.
I have never unsubscribed from WoW, and I've always loved it, but the spark has gone from the game. I mainly solo, and have since I started, but now there seems to be no real challenges for a solo layer; no myriad of experiences to have, no adventure, no fear, no consequences.
The game seems commercial; formulated and clinical. There's no passion in it anymore. But I don't know why, I don't know what can be done to fix it, and I feel so sad that this is happening.