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Well done to this warrior. A true gladiator… Here is a warrior that I can /kneel to… ❤
Really enjoyable watching a warrior doing good
I love Cryzzbad but leaving arena like that before defeat was kinda douche
That warrior was a god.
This video ends when the warrior dies….
I'd like to know how that war heals by himself.
That's a true Blademaster right there lol
Someone got his armory
wish the DH went first, love watching that class pvp
Cry babieseave before dieing..thats what OP unlimited teleporters get 🙂
lmao at all the paladins just five-heading straight in, pushing their buttons, and when the enemy doesnt just fall over after their initial burst just getting thrown right in the bin.
What a badass
Nice warrior
Why do warlocks have so much mobility on top of CC and pet????
Can someone explain the warriors heal to full health while running away to me?
Ну хоть не вентир, как все эти мерзкие бомжи.
Воин красавчик! Respect
You should do a 5v5 but with bad players, would be funny
Respect for my friend
Warrior played insanely good and monk did also really good I will give him that
Вар я хочу от тебя детей 😂 это было нечто, сказать что охуел, ничего не сказать! Русские вперёд! 👍
The mobility on that warlock
Не понравилось как лок поступил
Great session. It's refreshing to see that even the best warlocks are not immortal.
noob war 😀
I never see that ! This Warriors is incredible ! Waouuuuw thanks for this
Who else hates paladins and always happy to see them die
One of the best warrior ever..
This was one of the best duels I seen holy hell im hyped to try this out
Anyone got the armory for this warrior??
Cryzbad rage quit 😂
"Replace your old sink in your kitchen with this sink!" Lmao!
Rolled necro after ven. Once I farmed up my gear and got my renown up to par I am absolutely wrecking people. Almost 2 shotting people. It’s so much fun too. I love it.
Некролордов необходимо нерфить, это какойто трындец с отхилом.