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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
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Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Getting renowned is clutch. That’s like the worse part after you lvl. IMO.
Ideas for news players getting more emotional with our heroes and not wondering who is Jaina thrall etc??
with the leveling changes it makes me wanna lvl my alts and with the renown with the bonus objectives it makes thing so much quickly.
This video could be 60% shorter, I mean, I understood bonus objectives are worth doing the first time you said it. Dal, I really want you to be a big and an amazing wow streamer but on your informative videos you keep on saying the same thing over and over. It feels like you are trying super hard to make that video long and get it monetized. Focus your work on having fun and making your public happy, money will come along.
lvl 51-59 bgs are bugged atm with renown. if you win you 100% get a lvl in renown. from lvl 51-59 i won 22 bgs (capping honor before 60 for honor set) and gained 22 renown. its 100% drop rate atm but not at 60. on LIVE server
snow in Stormwind :O
Stormwind with this new skyboxes looks so much better… I hope they add new skybox also without a rainy or snowy weather.
I don’t mind world quest, the bo is quests suck for xp so that change is wonderful. I am OK with bliss not throwing XP at us. It shouldn’t be super easy to level, there should be a challenge. That being said, I enjoy the changes, but don’t feel they need to add anymore xp to torghast. I love bonus quests for pvp.
What I’d like to see is the world quests at max level actually upstaged to gear. It’s quite annoying that they aren’t. Same with table gear
Bonus objectives bar fill up way too fast…
I am going to say this as constructive feedback. The "BG quest while leveling" is complete trash. Randoms are already toxic with people who don't know the simple components of PVP in this game.
I feel it will reward afk'ing while pressing "w" on occasion to not get kicked. I hope I'm wrong.
This is coming from someone who has leveled 3 alts and had over 10k honor (EACH) before 60 to get a fresh set of pvp gear. Honor gains are nerfed when you are below 60.
How i can try ptr?
hell yeah! this is gonna be so much better for my alts, i got a full account of 50 characters and only 4 have made the journey to 60, with this in place i am eager to start getting everyone else caught up.
Can you do a video on the druid travel forms?
It's nice that you get renown for doing those things. Unfortunately, it comes far too late to be any use to me personally. It should have been 9.0.5.
Who cares about the weather. Still no reason to be anywhere in Azeroth other than SL… no contnent