What's NEW on the Patch 9.2 PTR this Week? [04/02/22] | Shadowlands

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🎡 Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IRYZ9TSpN8

🎡 Outro: Unity – TheFatRat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8X9_MgEdCg)


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13 thoughts on “What's NEW on the Patch 9.2 PTR this Week? [04/02/22] | Shadowlands”

  1. I really like the soul cinder thing. I remember when people said that Shadowlands would actually be cool to play by the end of the expansion and they were right. This is like the third expansion that I can remember that starts with really annoying restrictions and they only change it by the end. Crossing my fingers that after 2 messy sloppy years they stop with this cycle of making us feel like we've been playing a beta during the whole expansion cycle.

  2. well i'm glad that they reduced the timers on the Cypher, but i'm still mad that casual/solo players were lied to, they said that gear from "new" content was gonna be able to craft into Tier, it could've been the Sandworn Relic gear that would've been lower ilvl and it could've given the same colors as LFR/Normal SFO.


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