4 thoughts on “Let's Play World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore – SOLO SELF-FOUND – Priest Part 9 – Chill Gameplay”
Since you're almost done with Tirisfal Glades, a reminder once you step into Silverpine Forest: careful with Son of Arugal – he loves to hang by the road, especially after that little bridge just before you turn right to enter The Sepulcher.
EDIT: oh, you are using nameplates – but as part of your challenge of not using addons, it might be difficult to spot the mob, so extra attention WILL be needed anyway.
Hi robert! Thank you so much for your content! Literly watching you every day, and if i cant watch i even listen! So awesome whit the story telling! Now.. please make a mage SSF hardcore mode, just like this, whit NO addons, and show ous how you play with tailoring to make bags and gear and so on! Anyway, keep up the awesome work!
I absolutely love this series. The hardcore solo self found is the best way to play. SOD looked okay until they gave the 100% exp buff. What makes it good is the journey and shortening the best part is not the answer. Maybe if blizzard want to get people to make more alts they should make that journey more gratifying by giving a new experience like new quest lines or improving the professions which is what ssf is mainly about. I will never play retail. I hate the way the player characters look and move. Looks like blizzard is making them cartoonish like Fortnite or overwatch. The old school look is best for wow. When will you make more videos for the ssf orc shaman? Thanks for the content!
Since you're almost done with Tirisfal Glades, a reminder once you step into Silverpine Forest: careful with Son of Arugal – he loves to hang by the road, especially after that little bridge just before you turn right to enter The Sepulcher.
EDIT: oh, you are using nameplates – but as part of your challenge of not using addons, it might be difficult to spot the mob, so extra attention WILL be needed anyway.
Hi robert!
Thank you so much for your content! Literly watching you every day, and if i cant watch i even listen! So awesome whit the story telling! Now.. please make a mage SSF hardcore mode, just like this, whit NO addons, and show ous how you play with tailoring to make bags and gear and so on! Anyway, keep up the awesome work!
Robert if you want to farm linen cloth, just go on the island were the vodoo trolls are, its the island near sen jin in durotar 🙂
I absolutely love this series. The hardcore solo self found is the best way to play. SOD looked okay until they gave the 100% exp buff. What makes it good is the journey and shortening the best part is not the answer. Maybe if blizzard want to get people to make more alts they should make that journey more gratifying by giving a new experience like new quest lines or improving the professions which is what ssf is mainly about. I will never play retail. I hate the way the player characters look and move. Looks like blizzard is making them cartoonish like Fortnite or overwatch. The old school look is best for wow. When will you make more videos for the ssf orc shaman? Thanks for the content!