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It’s soon Christmas, but you know what it also is? It’s the first month of Shadowlands coming to a close! This is where we have a review of all the new systems, and the recurring ones from previous expansions such as M+, Raiding and Leveling/Storylines and we look at how they’ve been after the first month of the expansion; Good? Bad? Needs Improvement?
0:00 Intro
1:00 The Maw
4:58 Torghast
7:44 Covenants&Soulbinds
12:12 Raids & Dungeons
14:20 Gearing Up
17:28 Story, Leveling
19:35 Final Review
Merry Christmas, I hope you roll some good loot tomorrow. How's the Loot Table looking?
They always make terrible content with a mechanic that forces you to play it so they can feel better about their failures.
It was a good Christmas for me Tues night, lol. Finally got a weapon drop from huntsman to replace my 161 weapon I've had for 3 weeks. And it felt amazing 👏
For the first time in idk how long I went an entire raid without a single drop in heroic castle …. this is fucking bullshit imo the way loot was before the nerf a week or 2 ago was perfect and now m+ is borderline useless
The Maw 7/10 – i love how the game just tells you: u wrecked havoc too much for today so go do something else. i honestly think its a smart design. (not being ironic btw)
Torghast 5/10 – lets ppl do some fun stuff, but it wasnt balanced. also some classes just get shafted with bad and bland powers while others look fun as hell with some more common stuff.
Covenants 2/10 – gated content, nuff said. also the covenant habilities are extremelly unbalanced to the point some are gods and others critters.
Mythic+ ?(7)/10 – returning player so i cant rly evaluate how good this is. but i would go with a 7 because of the longevity it gives. not a fan of having to rely on RIO for geting groups though.
Raid 8/10 – this is def the best first raid ive played (skiped legion + bfa) and by far. still think its 2 bosses way too long, as huge raid nights this early in the expansion isnt rly good unless the following story is good (compare tbc karazhan to wotlk naxx, where despite having lots of bosses doing naxx could be broken into wings and the envolving storyline was much better)
Gearing 9/10 – i hate free epic palooza, bellow lvl 200 the items should all be blues! raid and mythic+ along exalted reps give epics, the rest is blue! also no warforged and similar crap is good, this is what gives longevity to the game, not time gating content for months like covenants.
Story leveling 6/10 – by now the story is too stretched out and im actually surprised they could pull something out of it. but long sotry short kyrian are random wusses, necrolords is a big arena where they all kill each other at sound of heavy rock music and backstab each other, nightfae are a bunch of hypocrite fairy idiots with no actual story, ventyr is irritating vampires being emo about judging ppl sins and the awesome umbrella guy whom they should have made more content of. not a great deal to work with tbh, and the jailer isnt actually iconic and/or charismatic like illidan and arthas were. by now we killed every1 related to original story except for thrall… is he this expansion last boss? tune in to check it!
few notes:
conduit system sucks! it allows certain covenants or specs to run away with money…
legendary crafting being gated behind world bosses (yes im also an elemental shaman…) is the most stupid things i ever saw! entire specs were left out on the cold because of this the first 2 weeks, some specs were pigeonholed out of mythic raid progression and now whats the point? the content will go on farm.
community perception is a very strong tool and world race events can make or break entire specs. theres always min/max from such guilds, but when the specs arent all given the same fighting chances then community perception will lead to much more unbalance on the game due to those classes receiving buffs later and being op for a while.
i honestly feel like im playing open beta 2.0 of the game, many stuff needs urgent balance/fixes.
I absolutely hate covenant system. Wheelchair arms warriors get a covenant ability that does literally 50% ifnot more of their dmg. Meanwhile, I as a warlock get a dogshit covenant ability options, all of them. Covenant abilities are incredibly imbalanced and literally make or break a class/spec.
Dopo due mesi che guardo i tuoi video ho scoperto che sei italiano, bella bro
My perspective as someone in between casual and hardcore: Maw 6/10, Torghast 7/10, Covenants 7/10, Mythic+ 8/10, Gearing 7/10, Flavour (story, zones, faction identity) 8/10. I am only doing my dailies in the Maw and slowly unlocking the new zones and stuff and it's just fine, haven't found a reason to min-max my time there at all and have not felt punished. Torghast is cool and, especially now, while it is becoming a bit repetitive it doesn't require much time either. I like the Covenant system but I am biased because, as a Fury warrior, while we have a stronger option there are 2 more that are just fine. So I just chose the one I liked most. I think gearing works well if you are OK doing only 10 weekly M+ keys, but there are severe diminishing returns after that point. I don't raid so can't comment, but hopefully the raid is cool enough that you enjoy running it despite the rare loot drops. And finally, I think all factions have a defined identity which I love. I was skeptical about Kyrian as well at first, but the campaign actually has some bits of nuance that I appreciated and I assume all the others are of the same quality. Nothing spectacular, but definitely less shallow than I feared! The aesthetics of the zones are gorgeous too, way better than BFA in my opinion.
Some legendaries are great, but most suck. It's awful if you have a class with lousy legendary choices. Torghast can be fun, but the parts where something attacks you every 10 seconds while you're out of combat are annoying because of that. Some covenant abilities are worthless to me, and others are OP. They couldn't do better at making different but equally good abilities? The Maw is just wtf, really. Good video!
I do so agree with you when it comes to gearing especially! For me its Maybe even 8-9/10 i went 20 m+ before i got a single piece of loot, but even then i like having to work hard for loot rather than being forcefed loot for nothing.
I love the raid, i enjoy dungeons aswell. I dislike thorgast, and getting more and more itchy just thinking about having to do more of it. I HATE the maw!
i like going to the maw to gank people. i'm a horrible person 🙂
Have stopped activle playing after nighthold in Legion, mostly skipped BfA and now with Shadowlands I'm pleasently surprised how good it actually is.
– Thorgast (7/10)
– Gearing (7/10)
– PVP (8.5/10)
– Castle Nathria (9/10)
– M+ (7.5/10)
– Legendary Crafting System (compared to RNG in Legion)
– Covernants are not balanced at all
– Legendarys dropping from world bosses… (yeah I main ele shaman too…) it's just super unfair.
– Gearing is a little bit too slow. I didn't like the complete RNG and Titanforging, but one more item per Raid Boss would be great. This week I got 2 items out of normal, which I traded cause they were no upgrade for me. (Got 3 off hand tokens from stonelegion generals lol) And I got 0 items out of heroic (killed 5 bosses)
The maw is a 9/10 for gathering.
Shadowlands: Great dungeon, interesting specs, ok balance, bad pvp 8/10
Where did he got those ratings?
This is from my viewpoint as a new(er) player and someone who plays quite a lot but without chasing after high end mythic raiding, m+ or pvp. I dabble in the systems but have about 5/10 Nathria cleared and +10 as max m+, don't really do pvp as I am new and that's scarry.
Maw 3/10
I absolutely despise the maw, I think it also really based on your class but playing a class without a passive movement speed increase in the maw is the most god awful thing there is. Feels like levelling before you get a mount all over again but everything is now actually far away. Once we get mounts unlocked for the maw everything should be a lot smoother in my opinion but so far I have kind of abstained from doing maw related things. I do however don't feel pushed to do it that's why it is a 3/10. I can live without sockets until I reach 200+ ilvl and I am getting actual BiS gear.
Torghast 7/10
It was fun at the start and some classes had a hard time doing some of the floors which ruined perception quite a bit. I still don't particularly like Torghast but I also don't dislike it. I think it's okay, since I only need to do a couple of runs it is still fun. I would have liked it having some more rewards so you have incentive to run it a bit more often, but I think it's just okay in it's current state
Covenants 6/10
I play MM and was struggling to decide between Kyrian and Night Fae at first with no real preference for either. Started as Kyrian and actually switched to NF after 1.5 weeks or so. I think the covenants are cool and the argument that they are too large a decider in player power is totally valid. I think they should offer power, but they should do that equally. I do however like my covenant to be a choice which changes how I play my class, it just adds more variety. Depsite that I agree with most people that covenants are way too skewed in power levels at the moment. With Wild Spirits MM just quadruples AoE dps and single target gets doubled, Kyrian is also decent but works relatively similar while offering less dps. There is no way Venthyr or Necrolord abilities would offer the same amount of power. I don't really mind in this case since I am not too big a fan of the Necrolords or Venthyr areas but I would have liked them to actually be valid choices for the players that do like them.
Mythic+ 8/10
Let me stress this. I. Absolutely. Love. Mythic+. Doing this with a set group of people almost every night at this point and having tons of fun. I am fairly new so this is all a novelty to me which might be the reason why I love it, but still. The only reason this is not getting a 9/10 or 10/10 from me is the loot, which is something that I will address in more detail a bit later. Being able to clear +9 reliably gives me the chances of getting actually good loot from the vault which is very nice of course, but that is about the only reason to run these. The amount of 200+ ilvl loot you get is not worth spamming mythic for unless you enjoy it and have everything else done. It also kind of loses relevancy once you get most pieces at ilvl 200 or higher which just feels bad in my opinion. At this point you should be able to clear higher keys though. If you are melee I feel your pain with the affixes, my condolences.
Raid 8/10
I like the raid, but it's also the only raid I have ever done, so that doesn't really help in my judgement. I like the difficulty of it, normal was quite easy even without too much coordination but heroic is starting to actually get interesting for our guild. We are not that good of a guild and that is fine but we enjoy doing it anyway. Sitting at 5/10 cleared means we still have ways to go and I like that you don't have to jump into mythic to actually have a real challenge. The only thing here, is once again, the loot which I will discuss now.
Gearing/Loot 5/10
Loot is difficult I like progressing rather slowly, but I also like my progression to be steady. With the current way that raid drops and m+ drops work getting loot is just luck of the draw and some people have gone 1-2 weeks without seeing a single raid piece. Being rewarded for your efforts is a key component to basically any game, but if you don't raid 3 times a week, good luck seeing that heroic Denathrius piece that you really want before the next raid tier. With the chances of getting loot at this point it is more a matter of luck instead effort. The weekly chest gives you guaranteed loot, true, but with the amount of options available it's going to be bad options or dupes most of the time, the chances of getting what you want/need are just really low. Unless you of course do at least 10 +7 keys, a full heroic clear and get 6250 honor in rated pvp, but like I said not everyone has the time or wants to do all of that. If this was your only weekly concern you could of course do this with not too much time investment, but I also need to dailies for anima, I need to do the maw, I need to do Torghast and maybe I want to level/gear an alt. If you want to do everything you need invest insane amounts of time. Now I actually kind of enjoy chasing after items, but I went 2.5 weeks without getting a single boots or helmet upgrade from heroic dungeons, which honestly just kind of sucked. Part of me says, give me more loot, loot is good. But another part of me says let the loot be hard and I will have something to work towards since I won't hit the ilvl cap anytime soon. In conclusion 5/10, absolutely torn on this.
Story/Quests 7/10
I am not that big of a story person. I watched the cutscenes and played the campaign. I am not too invested in the characters since I am relatively new but I didn't dislike the story. Questing is a slog in every rpg in my opinion. Shadowlands did an okay job at it, but hey I am not a big fan of questing in general. I give this a 7/10 just because I don't really mind any of it and being able to skip the campaign on an alt is definitely a plus in my book as well since I can just level through dungeons at that point.
Summary of the expansion 8/10
I played a bit of legion but didn't really enjoy it all that much. Shadowlands however has been able to entertain me and leave me wanting to play more every day so far for the right reasons. Even with nearly 4 weeks of the expansion behind us there is still tons of things to do and I am definitely not done playing yet. It is just overall a solid expansion, it has it's hiccups and problems but nothing too extreme so far. This might change in the future but for now 8/10, solid.
izen speaks for us all…unless you're a balance druid
Pvp is 9/10
Maw 0/10 no commment, Thorgast 6/10 its just boring after a couple of times but playing with funky powers can be fun, covenants 0/10 lazy, underdeveloped and unbalanced, dungeons&raid 8/10, don't care about itemization because all the specs I've tried play like shit, story 3/10 for the two cutscenes I've seen where they put in some effort. 7.5 is way to generous man be honest with yourself 😛 merry xmas enjoyed your content very much.
9:33, Not totally correct with MM. I'm a kyrian MM and still do as well if not a bit better than night fae MM on single target. Still sitting close to or on top of the deeps meter during raid night. Wild spirits own aoe and m+ tho. Even then kyrian MM does well on aoe just not as disgustingly good as night fae.
bgs 2/10 stomp or be stomped, mostly stomped. why is alli bad?
Idk what you're talking about with covenants! They're extremely well done! – Unbiased MM Hunter that chose NF
Merry Christmas, man! Thanks for the great wow content!!
I don't think "most" people are nearing Exalted with Venari. Most people aren't farming 5/5 Eye of the Jailer every day with rares, etc. The average person is, at best, doing their Maw dailies most days + their weekly quests, which would put them at a little ways into Cordial. It's going to be a few weeks still before the average player is exalted with Venari.
"I'm having a hard time gearing up" …. "I'm 208 item level"… Bro.. lol.. What do you expect, to be 220+ and full geared already?
I’m primarily a PvE’er but I have recently starting doing arenas for easy loot, and the soulbinds are hilariously unbalanced there, 3 stacking dreamweavers and all going into the pod and rezzing and having two potency conduits is one of the most unbalanced things I’ve ever seen. It’s actually hilarious and somehow I’m not mad 😂 just a cluster
suppose my 2 biggest grips are unbalanced classes, namely dps as it pertains to PVP and PVP gearing concerning item level discrepancies with mythic dungeons. No one should, and I don't, hope that classes I need to be performing well in raid with me get nerfed. We all should want strong PVE teammates. Unfortunately today, after the first or maybe second round of nerfs used to balance for pvp has failed to do so. I won't be the one to name the outliers, but 3 specs can now remove 28k or more hp from an enemy player in rated content in less than 2 seconds, some it seems in 1 second. This means that anyone without an immunity currently being used during the burst can die at just about any moment both seemingly, and literally, instantly. If you are raising (or trying to) your 2s or 3s arena rating and don't use your instant kill blizzard provided button before the enemy, game over. If your spec and the specs you have on your team is not one of the 3 current outliers, it is rare to see a win at all against these outliers. With only 3 specs dominate at 1v1 1-2second life ending burst, more players are suffering from this disparity than there are players enjoying exploiting the current state of things. I've seen long time pvpers avoid playing arena with hopes that the outlier specs will be corrected so they can return to the spec they enjoy without being dead instantly from being seen once…. PVP as a whole now id say it is a 6/10, for those that only want to do arena and don't play one of those 3 specs, it's probably a 2/10 because they don't always face off against the one shot specs.
IF the maw was a weekly any maybe remove the ”combat” covanent abilities and i would be happy
holy shit nice to know you are italian!
I'm enjoying the expansion, but hate how underwhelming are the warlock covenant abilities, while other classes got cool shiny abilities.
I still remember the "unpruning" lie they throwed at us. There was not unpruning, just few unimportant abilities. Few curses and corruption on warlock? where is my dark apotheosis and hellfire?
yeah its cool that blizzard appeared to listen during this expansions beta phase but they didnt really. everyone said maw is shit and they changed nothing based on this feedback. about torghast, its amazing if you get lucky with the right anima powers but half of my runs are dead by floor 5 or so because all i got was maw rat powers or fade cool down reduction. with the right powers i almost feel sorry for the remaining mobs because im so ludicrously powerful that its a joke. also i cant imagine if this is intentional but on some floors mobs are fighting each other and after a few trash packs of self healing half the floor starts charging at me because of heal aggro.
i wasted so many hours with dead runs because of shit like this without anything to show for it because failed runs give you nothing. there should be bad luck protection where you get at least 1 good anima power per floor or at the vendor. i have some vendor upgrades but all he sells is still the crap powers i dont care about
Communities make or kill games . Wow community made m+ main game content and gear source
. Now blizz forces ppl yo either raid or eat shit . The backfire will be harsh
Merry Christmas tho 🙂