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10.0.7 Arms Warrior PvP Talent Build Guide
World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 1
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Editor: Quaylin (
Looking to make a rating push on your Arms Warrior before the end of Season 1?⚔
Check out my 10.0.7 Arms Warrior PvP Talent Guide for my favorite set ups for Arena / RBG!🔥
Thanks for watching & be sure to show it some love🥰
Thx a lot man 💪💪💪
You are a gentleman
I gave up years a go to get the fomo ( fear of missing out ) glad mount . I just want the achievment glad and hoth . The achievments makes it easyer to get in groups and play the game . Glad and hoth are in my opinion barrier to entry . Groups ask glad / hoth / r1 at 0 rating low rating 😵💫
Might be more value to roar before sks because it increases the dmg of all bleeds by 15%
Demolition + Wrecking Throw usually one hits life cocoon if you have any dmg up
Glad you made mention about using MS on cd instead of attempting to stack overpower before using it. I’ve always wondered that. Started playing warrior this xpac bc of you and always come to your stream and YT channel as my top resource. Thanks for making this video Baj and team y’all are the best! 👊🏼
Bajheera can we get another fury warrior video ! Tried arms I just can’t get it down like fury .
Thanks for this guide! I’ve really been waiting for it. I’m completely new to warrior and this answered so many questions for me why higher rated players switched to bleed over spear build. Got all haste gear ready and even though I love spear, I hope this knowledge will finally bring me at least to my elite set))) Cheers!
thank you for the guide!, we faced eachother on your alt warrior, both of us were playing Ret war comp, gg
I wish there wa a string to copy. I would watch the whole video anyway, and people who wont – they will copy the build and leave anyway.
I've been looking all over!! I just started to PvP for the first time ever on wow and am loving arms lol but it's hard to find a recent guide
Hey, thanks a lot for this guide, helping a lot to grind the ladder. I have just one question, when do you switch warbreaker for blunt instruments ? when there is no pets or melee that you can cleave right?
Yeah I noticed that looking at a warrior the other day saw dragon yell was for fury though i can't even keep constant 30k idk how people hit 100k all the time
Best Warrior on earth!
i hope you are still engaged to your women, wish you all the best!
What is your favorite build?
These videos are so helpful coming back to wow after 8 years. Your breakdown of the builds and concepts have helped me way more than my skillcapped membership so thank you
Very new to arms warrior, do we ever use slam?
this was very helpful explaining the bleed rotation thank u
Originally leveled a warrior to 70, played a 70 marksmanship for a bit then a DH at 70…
Keep gravitating towards this. Into season 2, ill be keeping a close eye in your guides. Thanks for getting me back into ARMS
awesome guide
I've given up hope for my Frost DK, been leveling a warrior and I'm loving how it still chunks and still does good sustain damage! The playstyle is so fun too! A true brawler melee
its possible to earn gladiator after march 3. ?
Thanks for the guide. I just hit 70 on warrior and i'm working to get the Sabertooth but idk if i can get 240 wins before the end.
I didn't realize skullsplitter made all dot damage burst. When it said "expired" i thought it meant you were trading your dots for a ST generator spell that was an upgrade to overpower.
dragonflight sucks ass stop playing. you're welcome.
Just came back to the game after a break. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you Bajh
Ah its a BAHJEERA VIDEO! Hope you get Saved by Jesus one day- We all Appreciate the video brother
Great video mate
I'm still hoping Blizzard brings back Berserker stance only for Fury and Gladiator Stance for prot
Gladiator was cool af, man
What nameplates and damage numbers do you use? My damage numbers clutter over my debuffs on nameplates and I can't see anything. Yours go behind.
Dude honestly blademaster is so insane. My biggest prob is not being able to macro cancel avatar bladestorm after a second or two. I cancel it, but run the risk of canceling avatar….
Thanks for the vid Bajh, I like that you showed the SS build as I don't see a lot of other warriors build that, I remember seeing Joefernandes run it and was interested because I just started recently pvping and I really enjoy it, it comes in handy when trying to go for a killing blow paired with cd's, anyways keep up the good work!
This came out just as I was coming back to pilot ye' olde warrior main. Good stuff, thank you man!
Is this also the same type of build you would run in a Solo Shuffle session or would you go more big hit style?
Very nice guide! Keep it up mate
Man the way Skullsplitter works is utterly stupid imo. When i apply DOTS, i want those dots to stay on the target and melt their health away slowly. If you're making me apply all bleeds, just to watch them go away 1 second later, so that i boost my next abilitie's damage and lose the dots in the process, then what's the point in applying them from the beginning…? Dots are dots! Damage OVER TIME… If you convert them to instant damage, then they aren't dots anymore! That's basic stuff…
can you tell me whats your battle txt addon
After a 4 year break, it was hard getting back into it. Addons didn't work anymore, some were discontinued, awareness was gone in arena. About to throw in the towel for good. This video + the addon video saved my wow experience! Thank you so much, Bajheera!
Monster content Bajheera, keep up the good work! <3
If colossus smash is replaced by war breaker how are you able to use it?
"Deep Wounds somehow" :))))
i think its time to full send the 0% vers.
crit/haste>mastery + bleeds = rage
Interesting video. Do you think crit takes a backseat to mastery in terms of stat priority if we’re using a bleed build?
Hey, would you still use this rotation and these talents? Im new to the class and theres so many different guides with different rotations etc its confusing. Could you please tell me briefly your exact opener for pvp, is it still the same as this? Thank you!