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Welcome to another MarcelianOnline video! Today, we’re diving into the world of Enhancement Shamans in patch 10.2. We’ll explore why this spec is as close to perfection as a spec can get. From spell changes to rotation tweaks and all the changes that came with the talents, we’ll cover everything you need to know to understand why enhance shaman is so good and fun. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more World of Warcraft guides and news. Remember, every like and comment helps us bring you more content! Let’s get into it! 🔥🎮🛡️
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10.2 Tier List for MOST FUN Melee DPS👀
Why Is Outlaw Rogue SO GOOD in 10.2 ?!👀
yes, but i got bored of 2x 1h, i played elemental from WOTLK to Legion, then in BFA swapped to enha till now, but it's just boring, and the fact that i am forced to play elementalist build because of my tier set, a build that i hate made me swap mains, they could make enha nice, make a 4th spec that's 2H, bring 2h enha back, all in all, for now enha is boring
i have a completely opposite experience with shaman. It is incredibly janky.
You guys have a thing for underdogs 😛
if Humans could be Shamans then i would play one
I’ve hated enhancement ever since they made it great dps to have to swap targets constantly to put the lava lash debuff on everything, feels shit.
We are one def CD and some passive defensive talents away from being perfect – but close enough!
Elementalist rotation it s too complicated. In lower m+ mobs just die before you had spread your flame shock.
damn, this makes me wanna race change my troll shaman to orc.
Eyo Enha main here, currenty doing 23-24 keys. Having tons of fun but I miss some better defensive tools and for the love of god – at least 1 uncapped AoE blasting ability. Basically on up to 6 targets u SLAP <add sound effect here> but the higher the amount of mobs pulled the less dmg I do. For example Tedious Throne 1st pull when you go full LOK'TAR OGAR with bloodlust and many mobs I do like tank+ lvl dmg which compared to my Ret friend gigblasting all the momba at the same time feels just sad…
My old main till I fell for dev. Picked it up the other day to get him caught up and man I miss enhance! Definitely more of an elementalist than a lightning build person.
Request to discuss current state of Balance Druid next. No changes for a long time is a good thing. I personally dont mind being being A-B tier damage on some fights, but the encounters where we should be topping (sustained aoe fights) are far in between, and most quick aoe pulls are dominated by classes with bursty aoe/cleave abilities, leaving balance druids practically wasting Starfall due to it's slow ramp up. What do you think of re-working Starfall so that it still retains the overall dmg output, but does it in half the time? Starfall is great overall, but it's most recent iterations have made it feel more like a passive area dot rather than the iconic spell that it was back then. Literally Tyrande blow up a bridge. Casting Starfall should be more a big deal rather than just an astral power dump or background aoe damage. Thoughts?
It’s not actually I do love it but let’s get real compared to or classes it’s not that great … I would say its decent in raid
enhancement was garbage until they added lava lash spreading flame shock in season 4 of shadowlands. it's what made the elemental build with necrolord work. ele needs something that reliably spreads flame shocks as well. also, just last week they discovered that the avoidance defensive skill in the class tree increased aoe damage taken by 2% instead of reducing it by 2%. they just fixed it, but it's likely a 4% aoe damage reduction buff now.
Like the design but my arthritis can't handle all the buttons, I want to play it, just can't
I think enhancer has too many Buttons to press. I Need so many modifier macros to have everything in Range to Press sometimes are 3 Spells for one button with Shift, ctrl and normal button
if they can give us 1 more defensive or good damage mitigation it would be perfect
Can we see feral druid next?
anything else but sadly cant handle enhanc shammy. dunno maybe im wrong but in my opinion its just too much going on with enhanc.
I love my enhance shaman but because i also play pvp not only pve the fun is going down if you look at defensive… 😅
Far from perfect more Defensive capability needed, and slight increase in dmg. There needs to be a better payoff for the complexity of the spec, and the dmg numbers simply don't reflect that unfortunately. Not when other metas have far simpler rotations and the numbers are high. Enh always doesn't get the respect it deserves in that regard.
they made Enhancement one of the best DPS specs in the game to play and is fun and yet they somehow completely fucked Elemental shaman.
Really fun spec, but the tab targeting just kills me. I main feral druid so I am used to do, but enh its way more apm and just stress me.
I hate hailstorm, it feels so weird to play
No, it isn't. I don't like the abilities using 10 maelstrom. They have far too many buttons. Chain harvest was way more fun than the covenant ability they have now. They do have a lot of interrupts proba ly too many.
I play Arms as my Main and my Alt is Enhancement and let me tell you, this spec is tough lol. If you play a brain dead class like I do, be ready to zone in when you play this one. It’s taken me some time to get the rotation down, but it’s super cool to pump numbers with this class. 10/10 would lighting bolt again
Maybe a death "lightning" strike would help them feel less squishy without sacrificing damage to heal/chain heal?
Before I watch it , is it still a click fest with melee and range casts poping up like crazy ?
Enhancement is currently my ALT. As Holy Pally is my main, the struggle is real going from Holy to Ret. Enhancement is fun but agreeing with everyone here, so much binds compared to Ret lmao! Just something I probably gotta get used too.
In pvp enhance is not that good lol
Hekili is a SUPER good addon for rotation help if you want to pick up enh shaman
Too many buttons, far from perfection
Ive been trying to play this but why is it so painful to get a group in this game😢
It is good but there is so much to keep track of and such a specific rotation to do decent damage. I have one got to ilvl 478 and just lost all interest with the class if I’m honest. It’s a headache class with nice visuals.
Don’t get me wrong I’ve mained shaman since like burning crusade, it’s good but far from perfect.
I just tried it today and I ended up with a headache trying to figure out the rotation lol
So good but it's not my jam. Prefer monk and pally. First expac where I shelved my shaman. 😢
I've always loved the fantasy of a shaman, but could never really get into one, despite being an altoholic. Recently I tried one again and I've been absolutely loving it! It's so fun, both enh and ele.
Mmm stil mis the storm build from season 2
Unless you play with some weird comp that really really needs you to have a third aoe stop, there is no reason to play sundering this season in keys. It is not a dps increase over just putting a second point in ea without the s2 tier. Some super high push teams might play wft instead in some fringe scenarios but realistically 2 points in ea is always the play. I'm assuming the build shown here is from some guide that hasn't been updated or is meant as a starting point in very low keys where things die in 2 globals and you might get more value from bursting with sundering.
The dmg is way to low tuned
Hello Marcelian, could you also display the shaman points for the build?
Enha is so awesome, but somehow I still love Elemental more. maybe I am too lame in melee and standing in everything, or running from everything and NOT doing dmg.
Ranged is for me, but enha is so much fun, it is even impossible, it is closest class/spec we have to battlemage.
Ele is just in my heart deeper.