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Here are my top 10 tips for Mythic Plus players going into World of Warcraft The War Within Season 1.
/focus [@mouseover, exists][]
/run if not GetRaidTargetIndex(“focus”) then SetRaidTarget(“focus”, 4) end
Weakaura Text to Speech
It's been fun watching you play with many different groups on the beta. Glad you're now making YT content!
9:17 for sure!! I would be very interested in something like this. I personally try to play as best I can, but sometimes what you don’t know is hurting you the most (great example with the shaman funnel damage)
That fuckin Legohealer reference. Blast from the past
first tip for m+: raid :p naw but super good video!
Banger video, can't wait to see more from this channel!!
These videos just don't miss
Your content has been so good for TWW!
I really enjoy your videos and streams. Please don't ever feel pigeonholed into something like only making Aug content (or streams). Being well rounded in roles does give you a bit more depth in how you approach things and you've been very good about explaining your reasonings for things. I appreciate your effort