10 Tips for Mythic Plus Season 1 | World of Warcraft The War Within

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Here are my top 10 tips for Mythic Plus players going into World of Warcraft The War Within Season 1.


/focus [@mouseover, exists][]
/run if not GetRaidTargetIndex(“focus”) then SetRaidTarget(“focus”, 4) end

Weakaura Text to Speech




8 thoughts on “10 Tips for Mythic Plus Season 1 | World of Warcraft The War Within”

  1. 9:17 for sure!! I would be very interested in something like this. I personally try to play as best I can, but sometimes what you don’t know is hurting you the most (great example with the shaman funnel damage)

  2. I really enjoy your videos and streams. Please don't ever feel pigeonholed into something like only making Aug content (or streams). Being well rounded in roles does give you a bit more depth in how you approach things and you've been very good about explaining your reasonings for things. I appreciate your effort


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