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The 20th anniversary of Warcraft couldn’t fit in an event so they put it into a whole patch! Let’s take a look at the new Dracthyr race/class combos, updated tier 2 armor, the redo of a raid and timewalking dungeons!
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I have soooo many questions. What exactly is an 'ass patch' Why do we need a whole one? Does that imply there there is a 'half-ass' patch? Is this like a one cheek vs. two cheek situation?
This is great! Let’s go!
how do i get said judgement set…
Blizzard's been seeing that content creator update their old tiers and finally decided to do it for real. Support excited about this!
Nice summary Soul. Better and clearer explination of the event features than in the origianal Blizzard video.
What about cross faction que? For 5 mans and such?
Will the direct fear also get to change their message form races?
Yes!!! Drac lock to add to my coven!!! 😛
Holy crap, this is gonna be awesome! Can't wait for the anniversary celebration!!! 🙂
There is so much energy in the game right now and this just keeps it going. Blizzard is on a roll.
i am 100/10 excited for this please oh please let us just farm the shit out of this event to get everything without all the fomo stress, let my warband make war against the venders and weekly/daily quests
The Judgment Set isn't as good as Tomkek from here on youtube but i'll tak eit.
I was saving what I would make a mage for dracthyr, glad I won’t have to wait long
Please do a high definition Judgement Set!!!!!
so will they remove the BMAH from the game yet? all the toys/items/mogs there are now given away in promos and events. overhaul bmah container loot list or remove
For the first time in a long time im excited to farm some transmogs. Its been 20 since i been excited for a event in wow. There all the same and there over in in one week.
Paladin for dracthyr would turn me into being one. The Pally judgment set though. Omg, I've been dreaming of this forever
I think ever since Holly took the job, things are getting very different for the game.
They’re also vendoring some old event rewards.. but NOT the Obsidian Worldbreaker sadly😢😢😢
Nothing come close to the Judgement set, sorry
holy hell, so Vanilla is basically getting it's own Timewalking? that's crazy, gonna have to get in on that when it comes out.
Hopefully they surprise us with more drac classes on the launch of 11.0.5
Hey Soul, I got a question . Do you know if you will need to be Max Level to participate in the activities?
I sincerely hope that the old time walking rewards are kept on the vendors and they just add to them…theres a couple of things im still missing.
This is in like 2ish months. Holy shit the flow of content to liven this game again. We’re back baby
Excited for this!
leeching? are folks rly so self centered that this is something people actually waste time worrying about?!? Guess that answers why the "community feast" was made PAY to play & pay for rep.
when your old enough to realize the whole advent of FOFO is marking BS when ever events like this happen it just disinterests folks that know there NOT rely being rewarded with anything & just being manipulated.
I've never seen them spend so much time catering to one specific race in the game.
Not only that it's the ugliest race model in the game😒
I might have to race change my warrior now
Love how he didnt even mention new shaman forms cus they are so forgetable
Great summary as always!
They better not nerf soar. It's the only reason I play my dracthyr over any other mail user.
No shaman evoker ? I mean ….
ill be no lifeing this. but they also did say it would last more than 2 months so we should have plenty of time
This looks great! I can't wait for it.
I don't want to be greedy, we got so much stuff in Dragonflight but… why Dracthyr can't be druids? Blizzard please! They have a close connection to green dragonflight so it fits lore.
had me at classic timewalking and new tier 2 set
As a monk main I'm really happy to see the new set. It's the first set since Sepulcher where I'm actually excited to collect it.
that paladin set is all people care about
Huge W
I bloody hope they will keep the original Pala t2 instead of replacing it with that new version.
Nice BUT Dracthyr should be able to be DK's, I get Earthen NOT being able to, but they can be Warlocks? Otherwise very much looking forward to the event
Aww, I was hoping Dracthry would get Monk and Druid/Shaman as well. Every class should be able to roll monk, and Some kind of core elemental class should be made available to the Dracthyr, though, I think they should have access to both considering Shamans have attachment primarily to earth, fire, ice, and lightning, which the aspects respectively have access to as well, and Druids have a big connection to the Dream/Ardenweald, which Alexstraza and Ysera also have big connections to.
What I don't get is how they're making this a patch, but also time gating it. An entire patch introduces new features into the game, and if they're giving us all of this in the form of a patch, are they essentially saying "Hey most of this patch is gonna be irrelevant in 2 months". It just doesn't make sense to me, especially when they can do this like how they did Plunderstorm and Remix (both of which I hope have frequent returns).
Those back race shields from the original WC3 game boxes at the end of the video have gotten me all excited to get them!
This all looks great! Very exciting
If only blizzard hired some art design team for tier armor sets because they all look terrible in the war within. So I guess that's why they giving t2 lol
I will finally role a dracthyr 🙂
I just wish they didn't ruin Transcendence Tier 2 with the update…