11.1 Tier Set Speculation + Tinker Class INCOMING?!

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After the War Within Undermined announcement we looked at wow 11.1.5 at the roadmap and couldn’t help but think about the best time to get a wow tinker class because it would all make sense! Although we were expecting this to be shown for the war within patch 11.1 announcement, if Blizz follows the same stems, we should get an actual 11.1.5 tinker class somewhere in March – May. Let’s see what the chances are and also speculate on how will the 11.1 tier sets would work like!

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45 thoughts on “11.1 Tier Set Speculation + Tinker Class INCOMING?!”

  1. I think it'd be Earthen, Dark Iron, normal dwarf, Gnome, Mechagnome, Vulpera, Goblin, Nightborne would work but also I could see it just being Earthen, Vulpera, Goblin, Gnome, Mechagnome & that could be why Workshop is coming back for the season. It's completely tinkerer themed. So could be part of the first hint for me to actually have some hope again that tinkerer may be a thing & It'd finally give us another class that can use ranged weapons. I'd assume they'd be either 3 or 4 specs. the 3 being Melee dps, ranged dps, healer but tank could be very probable.

  2. To be honest during the Warcraft 30th video, when they said ONE MORE THING, I thought they would announce the tinker class coming with goblin patch. Housing is cool as well, but that is for the next expansion anyway. We could use a new class mid expansion to bring more people

  3. I think the tinker will come in midnight and will be a tank, since we are missing a tank that uses mails, and a dps support likel augmentation evoker, and the final specialization will be normal dps or healer around mid-expansion.But since BFA we have "clues" of Tinkers and nothing happened, I think this will be the same, maybe they will release another class that nobody asked for

  4. i want mounts, mechanized weapons, tier sets, if they make a thinker class It would be cool to put ger on your turret and customize it ooo oo oo, and please no recolour mounts and actual mechanized mounts

  5. Finally a good class to use for mechagnomes. I’d for sure go hard with a tinker class. Instead of doing the bare minimum rep grinds and tmog runs every week. I might start playing again.

  6. Their mechs could be their race mounts, similar to how Paladins get their own race specific ones. Upgrading as they increase their level. I would totally reroll a Tinker, I've been waiting patiently for that for years. And it would give range weapons to another class to utilize.

  7. To bring out a calss in patch is not really Blizz thing. And, it doesn't makes sense from a marketing perspective. A new class is always one of the 3 main features of an addon. So no, Tinker could come in WoW Midnight, but never in a patch of TWW.


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