11.1’s WINNERS & LOSERS Are HERE! Shocking Results | The War Within

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As 11.1 and the new season is fast approaching, the class meta for both Mythic plus and rating is about to shift. knowing which classes could shine and struggle is key to staying ahead of everybody else. we got some major class changes and updates, and it’s crucial for you to know the biggest winners that are looking to dominate this patch, and some of the classes that are going to fall behind. today we’re going to be breaking down the Biggest Winner & “LOSER” classes heading into 11.1.

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00:00 – Intro
01:35 – Winner Class #1
04:26 – Winner Class #2
07:30 – Winner Class #3
09:30 – Winner Class #4
12:38 – “Loser” Class #1
15:21 – “Loser” Class #2
17:15 – “Loser” Class #3
19:05 – “Loser” Spec #4
20:45 – Outro


38 thoughts on “11.1’s WINNERS & LOSERS Are HERE! Shocking Results | The War Within”

  1. Not trying to be rude…but are you out of content to do ?? Because why make a video like this when the 11.1 patch is still on PTR and going through balance as we speak. So this video is very very premature to have been made.

  2. It sucks that demon hunter feels like a spec, not a class. Its boring man its the same, its just meh.
    Shadow priest has been forgotten for years. The spec has so much potential but they keep ignoring it.
    Fury warrior is so meh to play you spam skills everything feels basically the same. even Arms, they feel like meh

  3. Pack leader changes are largely garbage and still not exciting. The generic beasts are just tied to your kill command… Wow.. It was actually in a better state for survival before the changes because of the free raptor/mongoose and the reductions to butchery.

  4. I think you are really off when it comes to warlocks. Destro is killer in late season and looking to be even more beast in 11.1 acording to PTR right now. Yes Alliction needs some love, but you are dooming an entire class just because one spec is meh… Come on 😀

  5. As someone who's been a Shadow Priest main for many years, I feel myself drifting more and more away from it. With the amount of mobility required in the new raid, I'm not very excited for it to be honest. Which is really sad in my opinion because this is THE Void and Shadow expansion. I'm really sad they're not doing more for it with Shadow Priest.

  6. Tierlist and other winners/losers lists a few weeks before the patch actually comes out are so useless because we have like still a few weeks of changes and number tuning going on…

  7. The problem with classes are videos like this.. as an original player the game was better when every week some guy looking for clicks and views didn’t make some opinion based video that lazy players flock to and basically copy.

    Congratulations on being part of killing the originality of the game. You create all these cry babies who get on hands and knees begging blizzard to make all these changes.

  8. Hey guys I haven't played in 10+ years. They can't recover my druid so I decided to have fun and made a mage. Something different. What's a good spec for the war within. Right now I'm Fire

  9. I would put Unholy DK up there. It’s doing what it always does and snowballs into becoming stronger as an expansion progresses and content gets harder.

    It’s one of the few specs that has a bunch of viable and unique builds to play depending on if you’re raiding, doing high keys or low keys.

  10. i love that blizzards fix to talent issues are adding and subtracting little sub talents instead of just changing the spells … LOL. when you cant fix the problem, want to create more problems dont fix whats not working …

  11. tbh u have no idea what ur talking about when it comes to arcane. They have completley destroyed the specc and it seems like its going to be none competeable in m+ again. They were good first weeks but thats it. New talents? they shattered the 2-target cleave with that talent and leydrinker is never going to be played cause its blocked with the 2 talent node that gives more mastery.

  12. This video is pretty in-line with what I’m hearing. Fire Mage, Destro Lock, BM Hunter, Ele Sham, Aug all looking like the best DPS. It’s 100% a ranged season if you look at the dungeon design. Crazy amount of melee punishing mechanics where you have to move out, lose uptime, etc. BM Hunter will shine. This season has a huge amount of movement even for ranged too.


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