11-Dec-2024 Grubby Live Stream – Playing World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore | OnlyFangs

Read more about World of Warcraft ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Only reading chat on Twitch (not here on YT)


2 thoughts on “11-Dec-2024 Grubby Live Stream – Playing World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore | OnlyFangs”

  1. Yeah, you can get layered randomly. There are YT clips of people walking on the path in Duskwood (alliance leveling zone) where an infamous elite abom who is 10-15 levels higher than the zone (Stitches) roams, and he just randomly appears on top of them basically and they get one-shot.

    I don’t know exactly what triggers it, probably layers being closed/opened/merged as demand dictates. But one thing I often encounter in Season of Discovery is seemingly having an entire layer to myself when I enter a zone and after 1-2 minutes the game finally recognizes it and throws me into a proper layer. I died to it once when a bunch of mobs I had just cleared suddenly “respawned” (layered) on me, but thankfully it isn’t hardcore so it was only a minor inconvenience.

    For me that’s the one thing that keeps from investing into HC. Ultimately, you can be the best and safest player but there’s a decent chance you taken out by something completely out of your control (a bug, lag, a DC, layering, griefing, another party member’s mistake, etc.) and Bliz understandably will not revive your toon regardless of how it ended for you.


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