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This is one of my worst runs and every mistake is my fault… but we time it. I will remember this Sanguine Depths run for quite a while and hopefully never make these misplays again.
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Can you make a video on your addons? Or let us know what script you’re using?
Do you ever post any current keys for the week? Because this week isn’t tyrannical
that wasn't cringey run at all my man, the fact that you set yourself to such high expectations shows a lot about your ethic and dignity, which matters the most. You've come a long way in just your first season, so don't too hard on yourself but continue to push yourself and learn from these mistakes. The only real mistakes that were going to make or break the run were was the skips that didn't work out. Keep up the great work, love the videos!
The add pulls may be from Gluttinous Spike. If you read the comments in wowhead many people are saying its pulling things from all over the place. Its just a possibility.
I swapped out of Hand of the Protector for Consecrated Ground during Necrotic to help drop stacks. Funny that you did the opposite. Also, Word of Glory always heals you based off of missing health, the talent is only for offhealing. Good to know for solo Torghast runs.
Could you do a vid on your rotation and macros if you have any? Would appreciate it
Can you please do a video on your UI set up as it is so good! I also struggle between 1st row talents! Both are very good!
so when you tried to invis that pack again it was the hunter he didn't dismiss his pet and it walked right into a mob. Not your fault on that one. Otherwise you still timed it. It's good to go through mistakes cause we learn from them. Next time you know, that's how these guys do high keys its trial and error they dont do it first go.
Here is the macro. Just doubletap it and you are all gucci with necrotic.
#showtooltip Blessing of Protection
/cast Blessing of Protection
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection