120k Daily Crafting Gold In Shadowlands WoW – Gold Farming, Gold Making Guide

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Recommended Videos:
5 Best Raw Gold Farms: youtu.be/tdwEqhdi8fs
5 Tips For New Gold Makers: youtu.be/hy9g2g6MbPM
5 Reliable Gold Farms: youtu.be/5QABU2jm0Hw
WorthIt: youtu.be/x2fOgBYg98g
Currency Value: youtu.be/IMGEOpnD_AE
Executive Assistant: youtu.be/Owe1EVXDzm4
Routes-Import/Export: youtu.be/CW2RQZFrf2E
Twitter: twitter.com/JonisDala


7 thoughts on “120k Daily Crafting Gold In Shadowlands WoW – Gold Farming, Gold Making Guide”

  1. First 😊

    Just wondering. what do you do with the auctions that didn’t sell and are below your posting limits

    Might be I need to change my prices, but I noticed I have several items that get scanned for posting multiple times when I do a post run

    Is there a way to cache the state for say 30 minutes, as to speed up the posting?

  2. Love the videos!
    Was wondering if you could make an updated video on TSM Strings and groups.
    Im having a hard time trying to figure that out and im wonder how you have yours setup!
    (Edit, mostly interested in your auctioning operation settings)

  3. Hey dala
    I have a question. Could you make a vid on how to do the blacksmithing mount from legion? Or maybe just help me out on that one. I have the recipe but strugle to get the mats, especially the bloods
    Thanks 😁

  4. Try 2, Dala quick question how do you manage to farm high quantity of mats when farming solo? Or do you farm in groups? Also I'd love if you could do a guide on how to start, because I see that you have a lot of stuff already set up but for some of us, we don't have that mount prep work or professions already set up.


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