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00:00 Intro
00:08 Arcanist’s Manasaber
00:38 Golden Lotus Mounts
02:14 Sundancer
03:25 Hearthstone Mounts
04:40 Arboreal Gulper
05:13 Temperemental Skyclaw
05:55 Harbor Gryphon & Scarlet Pterrodax
06:25 Smoldering Ember Wyrm
08:33 Netherwing (Grotto) Drake
09:14 Outro
Great video bro, post more, you're straight to the point and no bs. Thanks.
1:15 Does this work for MoP Remix?
I dont know what you talking about ''trial nightborn'' tho? i made a new one and went there that npc is not there?
excellent! Saving the vid for later today, specially for the dragonriding mount. I didn't do anything of the emerald dream zone so I hope it's not a lot of questing lol
Hey great video series, very helpful! What nameplate addon are you using?
I had totally missed the Grotto NW Drake, Wrathion was twiddling his thumbs in the ruby lifepools with a buddy that had a quest I needed to do before the chain continued. Big thanks.
I would love to see a video on the lucid nightmare!
oooo I will definitely have to grab some of these! Thanks so much!!
I Love your videos <3
Such a good video! Hope to see more <3
helpful video thanks! Only thing I'd say is I'd love to have timestamps in the video!
You still can get the Golden Lotus Mounts quite easy in Pandaria Remix
I am exalted with Nightfallen and still can not get the Arcanist Manasaber
“Four badges”. But.. there’s only 3 there??
What if you can't fly in Shadowlands areas?
where you got this transmog for your fire mage???
The soothing skill wont come up on my screen
this video was very helpful. got 2 new mounts in less than 20 mins
For the first mount, the Manasaber, you dont need to take the portal from Orgrimmar. You can mount up and fly directly to the cave after character creation
Manasaber waypoint for the lazy people ( like me ): /way Suramar 36.14 47.17 Entrance
Man i love youtubers who had a calming voice and go to the point straightly. Thanks a lot for this guy bro i will be pendant for your channel
Thanks didnt know Hearthsteed is still avaiable in the Game so i will try Heatstone it seems
Are the crane mounts not able to be done when there is a corruption event happening? There are no dogs spawning at the location, and there is a corruption event going on in Vale
Thank you very much!
teleport in valdrakken not available
cant see this guy and the quest you said doesnt pop up in map
For pandaria rep you can also farm the zandalari warbringers and scouts. They drop rep tokens that give a ton. Got exalted with golden lotus in like 15 minutes on a fresh character while I was trying for the triceratops mounts.
What video editing software do you use
quick question, whats that backround music and the beginning of the video ?
Nice video! thanks!
#1. For golden lotus, use a monk tank with statue of niuzao and crane kick. The statue will taunt all the quilens and crane kick will insta kill on AOE.
A level 60 monk can IK all the mobs
#2. The fasted way to go to Bastion is takin' a portal on Dornogal (Season 1 of TWW only) and use the teleport to Necrotic Wake dungeon. If you is reading this after S1 of TWW the portal will not be avaliable anymore.
i dont get the buffs in karazhan after channeling the crystals
dude ur the best
Red deutsch in deinen Vodeos das englisch passt nicht zu dir. Hört sich an wie billiges englisch
nur als Tip. Du redest gut english aber die aussprache ist nä
As someone who farmed in mop for golden lotus and threw in the towel because the elites were so hard to kill…lol why did i never think to go back when i could oneshot?
Thanks! Just watched your video, remembered about sundancer and get it in 5 min, wm off!
Portal. He's saying portal.
I thought he was transporting a "bottle" all over Azeroth for half the video
Jokes aside, very helpful guide, thank you!
I waited around for a few hours, sundancer spawned… I couldn't kill him in time and he despawned ffs xD