15 NEW Crittershapes // WoW Shadowlands

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Crittershapes in Patch 9.1.5 are new Soulshapes that take the form of small critters. Next to Lady Muunn is now Choofa, who will show you a list of all your collected Crittershapes and allow you to choose one.

Here’s how the system works:
You can still choose your regular Soulshape at Lady Muunn.
You can choose your Crittershape at Choofa.
When you press Soulshape, you will use your Crittershape if you are in a rest area, otherwise you will turn into your chosen Soulshape.
If you leave a rest area while in Crittershape, you will automatically transform back into your chosen Soulshape.

If you have a Crittershape selected, you will always turn into the chosen Crittershape if eligible. However, if you want to disable your Crittershape, you can at Choofa. There is no additional button to choose between Crittershapes or Soulshapes.

#WoW #Shadowlands #Crittershapes


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