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sixteen wow classic hardcore moments that didn’t change wow forever or anything they’re just funny
by @classichc
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why does people afk in a hardcore game?
gotta take a shit? log the fuck out.
jesus christ
All these hardcore people zoomed in….. that is a newer player trait….. they turning with keyboard too? They should not be playing hardcore. 🤣
Lmao retarded goes afk level 58 DESWRVED
Asmon's fanbase is so perpetually stuck in their negative-maintenance cycles that any type of content anyone makes is "scripted," and they "do it for views," even if the viewership is like 5 people the streamer knew from HS or something….
the sickest of the middle-aged men are this man's base and it's sad because you can see it in Asmon's eyes the last year+, he's become VERY AWARE of how off-kilter these people are
0:53 really isn't. If you're going to AFK on a HC character anywhere but a city (like AFKing in a dungeon, no less), you DESERVE to die. It's natural selection.
Why if you AFK, WHY are you not following someone or sitting in stealth or logging out??????????
Honestly at this point i refuse to accept its for content, its just stupidity
Wont mobs reset if u just alt f4?
I love this shit
On retail I was healing and was spammed a pushback move by some random mob in the middle of a big pull lol. Hit me like 5-6 times to the other end of the hallway. We almost wiped. Everyone got so low on hp
No self awareness at all even commonsense unbelievable on these
Asmon asking if you can dodge from behind reminded me of someone on reddit who said that Evasion is a shitty ability because it doesn't actually give them 100% dodge chance. When asked if they were getting hit from behind, they said it shouldn't matter because it says it gives 100% dodge. This person would use Evasion and let things hit them from behind without even EXPERIMENTING with the possibility that maybe you CANNOT dodge attacks made against you from behind.
Nah, it's the ability's fault. Shit skill, that Evasion. Simply awful.
zoomed in to have no perception ✅
backpedalling like a pro ✅
clicking spells ✅
showing back to mobs to get perma dazed✅
going afk, anywhere ✅
not having respect for gravity✅
hitting mobs so they stay leashed✅
-yes, I'm a classic HC player, how did you know… lmao
man these people are noobs hardcore is EZ if you know how to play safe and dont try to be a tryhard hero
2:31 coincidence?
It’s crazy how elevated the game becomes when we (the players) are forced to socialise on it. Like having to work with strangers to do simple levelling quests, or asking people to look after you while you go afk for a few minutes like in the start of this video. Just puts so much more value on having other players around, it doesn’t feel like everyone is having their own singleplayer experience, but rather a more shared one. Really cool and I wish retail was more like this (not hardcore, just more risky, and also rewarding for grouping up and talking). It would be a big change but I’d welcome it.
most ppl, like myself actually started playing classic cus retail just not fun anymore haha not bc of ulduar 😀
I love this game! 😬
"bro zoom out" had me in tears
I used to farm black dragonscales off that camp. The black drakes are not that big of a deal normally, but zero mana and pure panic like that are guaranteed death.
I bet the next time the guy goes afk in deadmines he'll jump to the safe spot first instead of standing 2 steps away from it.
most of those noobs thinks wow is a freaking FPS game lol
it was the first guys fault for not following someone he shouldve been on top of his character not standing there
The level 40 rogue that thought they were playing runescape was a weird one to post lol
the zulfarrak death lol so so funny
if you afk in a dungeon you deserve a death, even more when you do afk RIGHT NEXT TO A F**ING RESET SPOT
I stopped playing Wrath of the lich King because of the wow token to be fair
People are kinda stupid to AFK in the world at random places in HC mode tbh
58 rogue… that goes afk without stealth… how did you ever get to 58?
at 10:30 can't slowfall him. That's a tbc thing.
20:16 rofl
Nothing like playing an undead dead mage.. If your name aint Tanky Peter don't top the meter! And to be fair who would not smack someone with that ugly orange hat?
5:17 not looting. its the satyr curse debuff
17:40 no feign death AND he is nightelf dude. he could feign death into shadow mimic cuz of the racial. feign death gets u out of combat for about 1 second even if it gets resisted. bad hunter 0/10 wouldn't recommend
I like Asmons take on hardcore. Guys like Xaryu got too soft mentality
people think feign death is glitched but it's actually they know less about the game than they think they do xD
14:50 bro looks 28 and 11 at the same time
i have to say hardcore wow is genius.. it turns into a new game
10:30 lol you couldn't slowfall him, it's not Wotlk n00b X)
First kill is 100% teammates fault. But it’s not HC is it?
asmon i watch your videos every day and they always fill me with joy ❤❤
im not an expert so i wanna ask is it possible for the 60 mage that died in the lava to insta-logout and call some friends to come and try keep him alive until he gets out? Like 5-6 healers?
06:17 "So is playing without your monitor" roflmfao
15:15 This is the same type of person who text while they drive and cause wrecks
Seen many obvious dodges from behind
This Human Rogue… lol why do this on your own
If you're gonna be an AFK Andy, at least find a good, mobless spot to do it in 😂
These WoW players have no survival instinct IRL
I've said it before and I say it again, More than 1 screen playing HC, is very deadly RiP RIckard the 60 Mage
It’s not ALL the hunters fault with the feign death thing. You’ve always had to stop THEN hit feign death. Doing it normally like you cast a spell insta-cancels it because your movement is still going in the system when you hit the key. Even if you 100% let up before. Wow is still wow.
if you fall into IF pit. could you petri and have a chad wl summon you while it is running?