+17 Plaguefall Chested – Night Fae Restoration Druid PoV – World of Warcraft Shadowlands

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Mythic +17 Difficulty Plaguefall Dungeon ‘Chested’ on a Night Fae Restoration Druid in the Shadowlands 9.1 Patch of World of Warcraft. Affixes = Fortified, Bursting, Storming, Tormented.

Hello everyone! Another Shadowlands Keystone run here. This time it’s a Plaguefall on my Restoration Druid in Shadowlands Patch 9.1. Pretty easy run here, the affixes this week aren’t difficult at all. We did make one pretty big mistake on the trash after the first boss by pulling the purple slime with a bunch of other stuff, which gave the damage reduction buff to everything else and meant it lived so long that the disease damage got out of hand and a lot of people died. We recovered from it well enough and were still able to chest, but it definitely cost us some time. Also having the priest in the group for the Mass Dispel definitely helped with the bursting, and we were even able to pull every single slime in the first boss room and kill them all with minimal casualties because of it. All in all it was a pretty solid run and I hope that you enjoy the video and find it useful in some way =).



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