20s Engineering Mega Guide | 20s Guide | Shadowlands Twinking

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Everything you need to be a force to be reckoned with in random battlegrounds. The ultimate gnomish army knife, the goblin glider belt tinker, the Ghost Iron Dragonling, How to level cataclysm engineering 1-75 and How to get the currency for each Cog

Garrison Guide:

All Guides I Reference can be found here:

0:00 Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife
2:07 Frag Belt
2:44 Glider
3:19 Dragonling
4:50 Cata Engineering Tips
6:05 Cogs and How to get them


Music provided by Monstercat:
Protostar – There and Back
CloudNone – Dizzy Lifted
TwoThirds – Forever Summer

#Level20Twink #WoWShadowlands #EngineeringGuide


33 thoughts on “20s Engineering Mega Guide | 20s Guide | Shadowlands Twinking”

  1. Hey dude, love your vids. Was wondering how getting gear from BC dungeons for sockets work when the required lvl says 26 in the dungeon journal, should I spam bc dungeons in a finder or does running them through dungeons using my maxed character not work? sorry for bad english, its my first language, im just stupid

  2. Thx man this guide helped me so much .One question .Im f2p and i want to buy a sub but i never turned my xp off so i have it stacked to level 30 and i dont want my character to level up.Could I log in with a different character and wait until my sub expires or would my main character level up anyways?

  3. So I know you’ve probably answered this in another video, but how are you getting into bgs at lvl 20. I can’t seem to understand the workaround, and I’m also a bit pissed at some horde twinks. I want payback lol let me know when you get a chance, I’m truly interested. And is lvl 20 the only bracket that twinks. I’d love more info

  4. Thanks heaps for this guide hey!
    Was wondering if you had a rough estimate of numbers for mats needed in this? If not I'll listen through a few more times and drop what's needed in the comments, just wanna farm the mats on a higher level is all <3

  5. 2 black rock ore, 2 true iron ore… 25 sha-touched leather 30 cobalt bars, 12 windwool cloth, around 50 extra obsidian bar and 16 volatile earth, 2 hesonite 2 savage leather, 42 elementium bar
    4 volatile air, 2 toughened flesh 2 lava scale filet
    I decided to compile the list of extra items you need after you’ve followed wow-professions guides just for a little quality of life for people like me who struggle to absorb information and have to keep replaying the video over and over <3

  6. Hello, I can't seem to get the Gromatic micro adjuster. I was trying to get it because in one of the replies to somebody, you said to make 24 copper iron bolts, 24 explosive powder and 12 landsharks, but I need the gyromactic adjuster to make the 12 landsharks- do you know how to get that?

  7. I just want to say that THIS STILL WORKS!!! As of March 16 2022.
    I just put Goblin Glider Tinker onto my cloak of my Level 20 and having a blast Goblin Gliding off cliffs and ledges!
    Thank You, CigNus, for this awesome guide video!!! 😍😍😍

  8. On my way on pure f2p account.
    I managed to make 175 for classic (fuck you screwdriver) and 40 MoP, I have the trinket and I just learned Cataclysm Engineering, I hope skinning won't be needed at all…


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