225 iLvl Arms Warrior 33-0 WSG Wreckage – WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Warrior PvP

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Music by Berserkyd

Music by Epidemic Sound


World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.

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20 thoughts on “225 iLvl Arms Warrior 33-0 WSG Wreckage – WoW Shadowlands 9.0 Warrior PvP”

  1. Sorry, Bajheera, but killing 27-30k hp people when you are full bis 225 gear with 58k hp buffed and have a pocket healer is not fun neither for players you are playing against nor for your viewers.

    You are ruining experience for people who just started to play and trying to get their 197 ilvl.

    Better do rated bgs, not random.

  2. i really enjoy your content bro, but i really need an overview about your addons… i got that nameplate addon already, bagnon and bartender is clear.. but the arena and pvp addons, maybe weakauras.. i started my arena journey with an IRL friend and i really need help with this.. so basicly im playing an arms warrior and thats why i want YOUR help.. would love it if u could tell me/us/ your community something about all of your PVP addons:)
    Thanks for the content bro, keep it up 🙂


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