+24 De Other Side | Shadowlands Season 2 M+ (Guardian Druid PoV)

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Team Comp: Holy Priest, Arms Warrior, Subtlety Rogue, Windwalker Monk, Guardian Druid
Affixes: Fortified, Bursting, Storming, Tormented

Watch me stream mythic raiding and high keys on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tactyks
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Our full DOS +24 run with voice comms, using a slightly different route than my walkthrough. If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel!

De Other Side Route with commentary: https://youtu.be/lKSqYFyAjuw


6 thoughts on “+24 De Other Side | Shadowlands Season 2 M+ (Guardian Druid PoV)”

  1. I got to 2600 for the first time last week. Its been a lot of fun pushing as guardian, however I dont have players at the similiar m+ level in guild on in friend group so unfortantely I have to pugs most of my runs. Your vids been very helpful for guardian stuff

  2. Hey Taks great videos, I fin you out last week looking in-deep guides for M+ with the bear, already subscribed and looking forward for more content. I know that is kind of topic but I want to ask you wich addon is the one you have on the right side to track the current M+ run. Im currently using MythicPlusTimer but yours looks more condensed and usefull. Ty, bro keep it up.

  3. Awesome videos, I'm looking to start tanking again after playing Windwalker for most of the expac so far and these have been very useful for me. One question I do have: What addon/WA is it that tracks party CDs in the top left? I can't seem to find it but the way you have it set up is exactly what I'm looking for!

  4. My comp is guardian-holy pal-wind walker-frost mage- havoc dh. Just got a push comp today and we went from +16 to a +19 in the span of 2 hours which is good I think. I would get a sub rogue but sadly can't find one. Great video as always


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