24 Hours Before Phase 3 & Blizzard Just Did WHAT?! | Season Of Discovery

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Boy do we have big news today! much more information on Nightmare incursions and all the reputation rewards within them. brand new item tuning and dungeon loot being completely revamped, never before seen set bonuses on gear, the future of wow 20 years down the line and so much more! we have a massive episode 24 hours before phase 3’s launch and I’m so excited! Grab your cup of coffee and let’s jump into it.

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00:00 – Launch Time No Restart
02:11 – Updates On Nightmare Incursions
04:10 – Emerald Warden Rep Reward Levels
06:20 – Dungeon Item Changes
08:30 – Basic Item Changes
14:15 – Dual Talent/Rep Rewards/PvP Gear
16:05 – Warrior Gonna Be Okay?!
17:45 – IGN Interview Sods Future?
19:10 – New Warcraft Games In The Future?
20:20 – Warcraft Shows & Movies?

23:45 – Thank you all so much!


43 thoughts on “24 Hours Before Phase 3 & Blizzard Just Did WHAT?! | Season Of Discovery”

  1. i think if sod went to cata or era after that would be best, removing any sod specific items of course… then another sod is launched with new things and improvements from lessons learned the first time

  2. At this point, jus activate summoning stone already, i don't want to have to pay golds for summoning service just so ppl won't kick me from the group for being 2min away from dungeons lol

  3. I think a 45-minute episode that builds up characters would be cool. Start it off near prince arthas as a kid and tell different stories of new characters. There's a lot of chance to insert loads of lore. And to not have people completely lost. And you can end the show with the lich king.

  4. Doing a movie series on Arthas is the correct choice.You could easily get a trilogy out of it. Movie 1 would be about his youth, up through the massacre of Strathlome. Key points featuring his falling for jaina, rivalry with kael, invincible death becoming a paladin etc. Movie two all about Northrend, finding his sword, the decent into madness, preparations for his return home, etc. Movie Three His War, the sacking of Lordaeron, stuff with Kel'thuzad, war on the elves and attacking of the sunwell. I may be misremembering the timeline slightly but I think that's close. You might need to move the sacking of lordaeron to be the climax of movie 2 and then the full kel'thuzad and sunwell war to be movie 3.

  5. Most of those set bonus are awful. I play meta and cleave is absolutely useless for threat since it gives no threat woethy of notice, it's 6sec cd makes it less used since scorch is ur most used spell behind immo I'd like that bonus be something that helps pushback reduction since as a tank taking his I'd like to get cast spells off much faster so atleast I can compete in threats with war and shamans now. (I'm horde btw)

  6. Congrats on the move bud, hope it went well?
    i liked the warcraft movie, like you said, i could connect to parts of it (plus i'm just a sucker for all things mystical/magical :D)
    I think it's all about the lvl'ing process for me, i get bored of being max lvl without a daily grind to do, been playing HC self found till phase 3 launches as there's just a lack of stuff to do at max lvl (before people start whining at me, got 5 x lvl 40's, 1 has max WSG rep, and max AB rep. cleared gnomer etc etc, HC dungeons or a few daily quests would be well recieved)

  7. As a balance main I will agree that our bonus is a bit boring BUT. Our class is so heavily relying on crit to have fun I don't think it'll be as bad as you think. More critical equal faster cast wraths and big bomb starfires plus we have a talent that buffs our crit damage so boomies feel their most fun when you are chaining together crits and getting big numbers. Again they could've made the bonus a bit more engaging. But I don't think it'll be that bad

  8. I would love a fan director that would be willing to do a TV series for Warcraft. Starting from like the First War on up to Wrath. We know fans would collectively lose their minds with Illidan/Arthas alone.

  9. I'm playing this game more than the age of this kid and I have zero understanding why such people are making videos about "patch updates". It takes 3 minutes to read.

  10. Just paying the sub fee for SoD. Retail has started to go in the right direction again but it's still not there and honestly I don't trust it to ever be the game I need it to be to return to. My entire friends and family group who has raided mostly on since Cata up until Shadowlands when we just couldn't stay with it anymore after BFA and Legion and them holding on to the awful AP system, systems that punish you playing the game and NOT playing the game feel horrific, can't believe it lasted 6 years. We're mostly waiting for Riot's MMO, Ashes of Creation or another good MMO to take the spotlight for us as a group, as Retail WoW has left us wanting and is not worth the time sink and hasn't been for some time. The loot system via Mythic + versus Mythic Raiding, PvP has not felt good in a VERY long time for the masses, War Mode was not a good answer to anything, so on and so forth, but I digress. SoD is the most promising future WoW has and if they stick to it and impound upon it, they'll keep a lot more subs for it.

  11. Very informative video. Decent presentation. A bit formulaic, generic and felt like some was just time-filling to stretch for the algorithm. If so… be better. It will work better in the long-run than chasing general content creation trends. Be bright and yourself and unique. Don’t be beige!

    Also, my dude, it’s personal style and it kinda works for you but I cannot take you seriously in those Harry Potter glasses.

  12. That raid ad was so cringe. Who wants auto battle while you make dina. Make dina and game after. Other things in life out side of gaming. If you got kids shame on you. And I mean anyone reading.


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