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Looking for my speed leveling addon? (enjoy 5% off with code Xaryu)
Enhance sham is a meme anyway
Your laugh is torture to hear. Do better
The fake hype 😂
I was gonna say Xaryu is one of the luckiest streamers I’ve seen.. but then I remember the searing ghouls criting tf out of him 😂😂
inb4 a ghoul eats the ring
So proud of your determination and drive in everything you do in life!
It’s inspirational! 🤩
Btw….. your kid is mega cuuuuute!! ❤
SLAP “You keep muh Searing Ghouls outta your mouth!”
Oooo yeah those moments feel so good
we want the finger baby >.<
Lol Searing Ghoul jokes still alive
Won it with a 57 sheesh lol
As Always… Loot Drop and Roll Win.. BLIZZARD COMON !! 😛
Well that ring is lost
Haha imagine getting the honor of playing with Xary and not straight up passing 😂
That voice crack in the giggle gets me every time lmao
Literally never seen Xar lose a roll on loot
Damn I should've ran with this group haha. I seen it listed
Not bad,but my mage got epic dagger of her first run
On this boss, I'm make me ninja Blade of Eternal Darkness by an fucking noob rogue on my shadow priest 😤🤷♂️
His reactions get cringier and cringier every month….
He aggroed every searing ghoul on the continent
i remember when wow classic came out… i rand this shit dungeon 17 times to get the bloody ring…. disgusting, reasons why ill never touch original wow ever in my life lol
Meme spec enhancement winning that roll would have sent me over the edge
What game is this?
Oh man. Been farming for this so hard the last few days. Seen it drop twice and lost the roll both times. The second time to a hunter who only joined the group right before Princess coz our mage dropped out 😢
Bro this and the katana. I can't wait for new vids
like he isnt going to die off stream again in 3weeks for more cloutfarming and revenue
Oh i've got a ring there last night, drop your pants ?
I farmed this for four days
I don't get it. A ring that everyone has?
Never seen this before…. played the game 20 years….
Bro is gearing up to fight those 2 green mobs
Why does bro laugh like that 😭
every1 knows the proper way to gear a warr is get r13 💪💪
Do you have courage enough to go to the exact same spot at the exact same level to fight against two searing ghouls for GLORY REDEMPTION?
Is it warrior BIS?
blindmonk needed to be deleted after he was saved by the faefamily outside strom
Holy fake reaction
Streamer privilege on full display
Xaryu- " I've never seen this thing" 🫏 🫏 🫏 🦭