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Congrats on the four set my guy 😎
Love your content, what do you think about bear this patch? I wanna see you play some more bear xd been learning a lot from you last season
Wow! Where is that massive self healing coming from?
What add-on are you using for the circle around your cursor?
Hey bro, neat gameplay!
What's the addon name or weak aura that gives you hints about the fight right on top of your health bar?
Thanks and keep it up!
This tank is doing more damage than dps who are in 15……
This dude is playing with dark potion so he can see abilities clearer
Fucking 4k IO IQ
Hey Stone,
What do you do/use to mitigate the incoming damage ??
Is it basically just uptime on DemonSpikes and consistently Spirit Bombing ??
What damage addon is that?? It's awesome
Love your ui man anyway I can get it?
interfas? plis
i gotta ask tho, why kick curses when you've got 3 curse dispells in the group?