+26 Plaguefall | Shadow Priest PoV M+ Shadowlands Season 3 Mythic Plus WITH COMMENTARY

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+26 Plaguefall | Shadow Priest PoV M+ Shadowlands Season 3 Mythic Plus
Fortified, Raging, Explosive, Encrypted

Narrated with commentary 😀 No comms in this key.

4 piece tier set in this key. Using Necrolord covenant and Shadowflame Prism legendary.


Watch live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/queenxtine

#shadowpriest #spriest #mythicplus


17 thoughts on “+26 Plaguefall | Shadow Priest PoV M+ Shadowlands Season 3 Mythic Plus WITH COMMENTARY”

  1. I really enjoyed this video. Im just breaking into 20-21's and any tips are very much appreciated.. videos like these are very helpful. You do awesome damage. Looks like we scale better with higher keys which is a good thing lol. Im tired of pulling 14k while the hunter or warlock does 18k in these lower keys.

  2. Many thanks, i really like to play Spriest, it is my main for the entire expansion but it's a bit dificult to get in higher keys with pugs…. also many thanks for the comments!

  3. Awesome, thanks alot. Love commentary videos. Just hit 3k score. Playing spriest requires so much focus for me. Its fun, but sometimes very very stressful. Especially during URH, do you just spam mindblast if you have Mindbender up? If not mindbender, spam Voidbolt and DP? If you are running HV.

  4. Hey Xtine, I have watched most of your videos and thanks for commentating a run it was very insightful!

    I recently started doing ~22/23s with a survival hunter and a destro lock. I know that its not going to be realistic to beat them overall but i was wondering if you'd give your general rotation around different pack sizes? I know for example you mentioned at 8+ targets you'll just mind sear and spend 4 set procs.
    Thanks again for the commentary and looking forward to the guide 😀


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