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2800+ Warr/Ret/HPal vs RMP Session (ft. Doublelift)
WoW Shadowlands 9.0 PvP
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Music by Berserkyd
Music by Epidemic Sound
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World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.
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Best player! 🤘💪
Awesome video
AWC wheelchair comp but I like the continued content
Nice game m8. Thanks..
Play the meta broken classes or go home.
Wrong asian thats vanguard not doublelift, pretty sure you killed doublelift at 24min
Oh hell Yeah. What i needet for falling asleep nicely
Oh baby!
night fae is Insane!! i Love it.
Is the shockwave in defensive or is that just a ability?
cool yeah!!! good job!!
Man I made a terrible mistake spending all my soul ash on prot this expansion. Arms seems to be kicking ass when it comes to gearing in pvp and such…
Blah same comps when you get high rating is kinda meh 😕
wanted ta see Baj in the NA cup
What is this new addon or widget to threat plates that shows used abilities like CoS, feint, etc.? At the left side of nameplate
I recently discovered how amazingly fun Nightfae warrior is, and your content is now my daily go-to. I hope you don’t ever swap because it’s great watching you represent!
I was just wondering if that was doublelift. Been seeing that rogue in a lot of high lvl pvp videos. Awesome video as always Baj!
can you share the newer version of your threat plates? they look way better
It is the new threat plates version? I like it. Gj sensei 🤗