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Hey guys some games from my stream with the boy Jordan. Hope you guys enjoy and remember to like the video and sub to my youtube!
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Quit being a psycho and lock your gladius
Good content 😄 subbed. New shaman in shadowlands here, so I'm very interested. You should work on the video quality though, image is grainy even on 1080p stream
Can shaman hex feral druids? :O
What addon+ settinga you using to tell when they have used their interupt ect with their cd
what scrolling combat text is that?
Hey Iissham, can you load some 3v3 examples? Currently running spriest ele shaman which feels absolutely horrible against double melee comps. Then again, it feels like I can be doing the right things as a healer but it probably will not matter unless teammates know how to play defensively and counter pressure.
Thoughts on reasonably good shaman comps in current patch?
Hey Iisham! I’m curious as to why you don’t use fleshcraft at the start of a match, especially versus sub/mage comps. I find that using it means that even if you mess up pre-wall having that shield can often prevent you from being properly one-shot, and it gives you a little more time to recover. Thanks!
Nice vid, how did you get that font for your healing? Cheers
Love these arena vidz
Hi Iissham, I'm a resto shammy looking to push for gladiator this season but I'm a venthyr, do you think it will greatly impair my ability to do so with all the bursty comps and Necrolords helping out so much with passive defense, and also Chain Harvest being extremely clunky in arena?
Hi I wonder if you have some general tips for shadowplay, first time trying the comp out.
And any tips for getting trained and interrupted, I don't feel like I can cast ever when getting trained, used to playing priest (2.2k) trying out shaman this expansion.
Trying out resto any tips for staying calm. I assume you have binds for all your teammates and seem to be able to keep them topped up even with those mongoloid dps on both of you. I guess I want to feel better when pressured but I guess that's common desires. I suppose it's all about anticipation and preparation like when you healing rained there. When you say prewall do you mean earthen wall or your personal astral shift. I really don't do arenas and won't until I am cozy but resto seems to be the spec I want to try to excel at.