3 FINAL BOSSES Of Each Expansion! ULTIMATE Villain Of The World Soul Saga?!

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Who are the final bosses of WoW: The World Soul Saga?
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The goofball Fyrakk has been defeated by Alexstrasaza’s power rangers and friendship and I know huge shocker really kept you on your toes, no one saw this coming but soon with the World soul saga we are going to be diving deep into the real storyline.

The storyline that stopped at the end of Legion and early BFA and will now continue. Xal’atath, Old Gods, Void Lords, the Light, Titans, Sargeras ALL the cool aspects of WoW lore are coming back. However with 3 new expansion we need 3 villains and who are they going to be?

We already know Xal’atath and Azshara are coming, we know the titans and Aman’thul are coming later, possibly Sargeras, possibly the void lords. So who are the final bosses of the world soul saga?

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44 thoughts on “3 FINAL BOSSES Of Each Expansion! ULTIMATE Villain Of The World Soul Saga?!”

  1. I don't see Sargeras as the final boss in TLT. Actually, I see him joining us. I have a feeling Azeroth isn't even a titan. There have been tons of hits that there is something else going on that the Titans don't want us to know. I think Azeroth might be the last First Ones. And I think the Titans will eventually turn on us because we're going against their order, and I have a feeling Sargeras might side with us because he'll realize we need Azeroth to fight the void lords.

  2. Xal'atath < Azshara < Sargeras seems the most logic succession of final bosses by what we currently know. Xal was already highlighted as the last boss of Warthin (Meltzen usually prefer to make clear who the final boss is to build hype around him/her, unlike Danuser), Azshara is both a champion of the void and THE elven character, related more or less with every single elf as the last supreme ruler of their race. I cannot see another final villain for Midnight, THE elven expansion AFAWK aside herself. Sargeras, well, nothing to say, even Metzen himself said for his team he was always set to be the true ending boss of WoW since the start.

  3. Makes no sense that prison time simply cut him off from fel. By all acounts he is a Fel Titan. Just like the demons imprisoned in Marduum did not loose their fel, neither will he. HOWEVER I can see the pantheon trying to purge him of the Fel

  4. I don’t think that we will fight sargaras, I think he wants Azeroth to wake up and it’s whole heartedly against amanthul and his fellow titans plan to instill order over creation (Azeroth). Sargaras feared that outcome which is why he tried to stab the world with his sword, better no one controls her than to have her corrupted as apart of the titans plan.

  5. Sargeras has always been the devil of Warcraft, and Metzen himself has said the original team considered him the end boss.
    I want lore on the other titans, Golganneth Khazorgorath and Norgannon would be cool

  6. Out of all possibilities I'm mainly interested in what they have planned for Azshara. Honestly she might have some introduction here in TWW, but I guess we would see her in Midnight and encounter her as a PROPER villain (not BFA type of villain). I wouldn't be surprised if she is actually part of the final expansion instead. Whatever they have in store, I do hope we see her in her full strength, and hopefully in her elven appearance too.

  7. I don't worry at all because Elune will step in and save us in the end. Also, the very First Ones, in their great wisdom and glory, already predicted all raid bosses till the end of Warcraft time. We are safe 😊❤There is nothing to worry about.

  8. I like the idea of Sargeras being the villain in TLT. It makes sense. Since day one (or almost since day one) he was the ultimate, big bad guy in Warcraft universe. We stopped him in Legion, it was epic, don't get me wrong, but Blizzard still owes us a fight against him.
    I can imagine, that his prison weakened him enough (maybe even the Fel left his body), so he is able to step on Azeroth, and probably have the same power level of the Jailer had. No, I don't wanna think about Dr Evil Nipples, so let's just say he'd have the power level of Denathrius (or any other Eternal).
    After all, it was his goal to destroy Azeroth, making himself THE LAST TITAN. So it's the perfect opportunity to end the Sargeras vs. Azeroth story, which has benn built in the last 25 years.

    Another topic: I'm really interested, when the TItans come to Azeroth, how will Illidan react, after he learns all the ugly truths about them.

  9. this entire thing for some reason reminds me of Zovaal's last word

    A cosmos divided cannot survive what is to come? could it be? that all people will be fighting not knowing there is a bigger villian than all of them?

  10. we have iridikron. all we know about his story is that he is a primal dragon who wants to defeat order. okay. so he made a pact with the enemy of order: void. the representative of the void is xalatath. they are in league. nerubians joined them. we have these info. so we also know that the first raid’s final boss is the nerubian empress. that brings us that the final boss for the war within would be iridikron. he is the earth primal dragon and we are going inside the earth. that makes sense.

    the end boss for midnight speculation would be like this: we know that we will banish the shadow and put an end to void incursions over azeroth. so strongly, the final boss is going to be xalatath or blizzard have decided to show us something huge and we are going to face a portion of a void lord’s power. that could be too.

    the finale: the last titan should be azeroth herself. this world is a prison like lady sylvanas said. we are going to shatter that prison and the last titan will be awaken. that makes the world soul story into a saga. 25 years old azeroth lore must end like that.

  11. For The War Within, I think the final boss fight will be Xal'atath, but the final boss death will be the Prime Naaru that is speculated to be located in that crystal in Hallowfall. I think we're bringing that Naaru with us to the final raid to help us fight Xally's minions and will be key to us fighting Xal'atath herself. Only, the Prime Naaru is unstable and will empower Xal'atath any time it flips to its Void-state. Eventually the only way to stop this will be to destroy the Prime Naaru, and this is what Xal'atath needs from us.

    The Sunwell was reignited by the heart of a regular Naaru in its void-state. The heart of a Prime Naaru in its Void-state may function very differently, especially when used along with the essence of Galakrond and the blood of the Old Gods, resulting in something that absorbs the Light from the Sunwell, and this is the catalyst that leads us to Midnight.

    In Midnight, I think Xal'atath will be a boss again, and this time it will be in her true Void-form, as opposed to her possessed void elf form we previously fought in TWW. However, I don't think she will be a final boss here. I've not come to a full conclusion yet, but it'll either be a Void Lord that hopefully is introduced at the start of the expansion, or it will be An'shuul, who I believe is a World Soul of the Void.

    I think An'shuul's arrival will be what brings the Pantheon to Azeroth and they help us defeat An'shuul, but not before it is revealed that An'shuul isn't a World Soul that was turned by the Void, it is a World Soul that was naturally Void. Not only that, but the bronze skinned Titans are Life Titans, not Order, and Sargeras and Aggramer are actually Gold skinned Light Titans. Long story short, Aman'Thul is revealed as a liar and manipulator, a Titan civil conflict begins and either Sargeras or Aman'thul are the last boss of TLT.

    As I'm sure you've noticed, this gets more and more stupid the more I type. I think things will actually get a LOT greyer with the Void as this saga progresses, which is why I think Azshara will be an ally, not an enemy. I also think that Iridikron wont be a final boss because he is small potatoes compared to the other beings. The one exception would be a void-infused Iridikron as a final boss in Midnight instead of An'shuul, with An'shuul being saved for future expansions.

  12. So idk how wild this might sound, but hear me out

    With Expac1 & 2 Complete we head into Expac3 “The Last Titan. We find out that Sargaras has escaped his prison. Illidan returns with the pantheon giving us the news. This brings back a fan favorite character, and allows the Dragons /or/ Main Cast to confront the Titans about their altered truths. They can splinter (as was hinted in Dragonflight, but gives a good story plot for a patch or 2. This confrontation being similar to Algalon, with Aerothians defending their right to defend their planet themselves.

    Bringing Sargeras back, he could return to his Burning Legion, now in shambles, but finds Sire Denathrius rebuilding things. Denathrius being the trickerster he is, could further manipulate Sargeras, or they could team up and become Beat Buds?! Idk yeah hope ya enjoy the read and theory, k bye (please excuse typos, Autocorrect doesn’t like WoW terms lol)

  13. we've dealt or will deal with a representative of each cosmological element that wanted the world soul at some point. Life, Order, the Light, and Void are the only ones that haven't really done so yet to a huge scale like this. Disorder (Burning Legion), Death (Jailer), we've all dealt with them in an expansion. Midnight might have the light and void clash on who gets the world soul. While The Last Titan might be with the remaining ones

  14. What if the last Titan is Azeroth? I know they’ve been playing with what Azeroth is for years and for a while it was a slumbering Titan and now we think it’s something else, but what if it is Azeroth and our final battle it to defeat an awakened Azeroth or a corrupted Azeroth and put her back to sleep so we can all keep living?

  15. What are you talking about, dude. This story will be stretched. the developers can throw anything there. And we don't know what will happen there. We know exactly what is connected with Azeroth Titan. That's all. And how and what it will be served, we do not know.

  16. They can't kill Sargeras. He is the ultimate evil in WoW, killing him would be folly and if he ever does become a final boss, it should be the end of WoW, period. Bottom line, there is no other villain setup to be a bigger baddie. They tried and failed with the Jailer. I would personally be very upset with permanently dealing with Sargeras.

    The Last Titan clearly refers to Azeroth being the last titan to awaken and since the saga is called the "World Soul Saga" it is obvious the "will she, won't she" of Azeroth waking up is the central theme of it all.

  17. Honestly hope they leave most major characters besides thrall and anduin outside the war within, I love the idea of the next generation of characters being made here shit like thrall's son & vereesa's kids. Baine sitting in the major city for the whole expansion and shit like that might not happen then idk tons of stuff they can do with it

  18. Last Titan = Azeroth, Sargeras and us mortals vs. The Pantheon (maby the "life titan" will side with us also). I really think Sargeras tryed to free Azeroth from her Titan prison with hes sword. Azeroth is Reality, promise! She is the only "thing" that can fight both light, void, fel and order.


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