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Blizzard once again makes more impressive changes to the shadowlands game whether it be in Stygia, Valor, and Increased Raid Loot. These are all great changes that I am happy to see 🙂
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Ey! Nice haircut man. Looking good!
for someone who has gotten a weapon token drop from almost every huntsman kill i have, i feel like they drop too often
Beat dratnos this time poggers
Feels a little weird doing M+ now then since the only upgrades I can get are the weekly chest then and then when patch comes out its M+ heaven =P
Really to bad they didnt have time to put this in game before launch, would have been a nice thing to have in the beginning.
I feel like one of the best fixes they should make would be to make some form of teir sets. This would make raid loot SO much more relevant. But I guess the downside would bring back the age old argument of "im a m+ player or a pvp player and I don't want to have to do the content I don't enjoy in order to get the power of set bonus" but there has to be a way they can make some form of seasonal set bonuses and they can even just lazily chuck it onto already existing pvp and dungeon gear. So everyone has the same bonus whether it's on pvp or dungeon or raid gear
They should improve the drop chance in m+ if u ask me because I did so many m+ with my alts and I still sit on normal mythic dungeon gear it's frustrating to do 10 m+ and don't get any drop from it
sad part is well we need to refarm everything 😛 i mean i just spent only 40+ runs to get 1 trinket, btw didnt get that trinket after those 40+ runs on 14-16 keys in just one dungeon 😛 so yeah gonna be fun
question is will we have to refarm al the stygia so that we can keep buying dozzens of dozzens of conduits? like we need to farm well over 150.000 stygia just for conduits alone
Lol patch is over what do you mean this raid will stay longer then you think 😂
tettles, it’s illegal to be this cute
"Go out and refarm your stuff" – lol… I am still wearing the single 184 blood spattered scale I got when m+ opened. Never seen another drop in several hundred key runs. This change is fucking stupid. The entirety of the SL loot changes have been stupidly unfun, most of my guild has left out of boredom (60 active members throughout BFA, down to 9 now). I am definitely not having fun in this xpac, and it seems most casual and lesser guilds are the ones sufferring.
What is this shit about gear obtained past "9.0.5" can only be upgraded? Fuck out of here Blizzard stop finding ways to hold my progression back jesus christ
Really enjoying the frequent positive changes. Only issue is now 9.1 is delayed till 2024.
I'm worried that they care too much on improving current content (which is nice but not too impactful, (ppl not needing 220 items in March)) and that 9.1 will come out too late.
"We fixed the stuff we fucked in the first place" isn't commendable.
nice shirt tettles
I got a 187 LFR weapon token once !