3 Types Of GOLD Making In Shadowlands

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Welcome to 3 Types Of GOLD Making In Shadowlands!
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What are 3 Types Of GOLD Making In Shadowlands you use?


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5k+ RAW GOLD Spot Shadowlands

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Pros And Cons:


100% Yours no need to sell to the auction house
Most of the best spots are solo farmed meaning you can do you
There is no supply and demand meaning raw gold is not affected by the time of expansion

Lower than high-end auctions
To get good results you must sit and farm an hour

Auction House

The payoff could be 10x that of raw gold
If you just want to post and leave due to time you can

Sell time is random depending on supply and demand
You have to repost over and over to beat others
50% of the time you have to sit and watch to sell
You still have to get the items some way so farming is an extra step


Fast gold
Always in demand

Have to know what you are doing
Ilv should be way over a normal person
The gold is split into the team
A lot of groups are doing this so gold value goes down


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4 thoughts on “3 Types Of GOLD Making In Shadowlands”

  1. well raw gold can be farmed which involves some professions like arch and you make a pet to sell I would say thats raw gold, or your renound cap and the anima quest 1.5k raw but no farming. Its weird and theres no "best" since that changes


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