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0:00 Intro
1:30 Warcraft Announcement
6:00 Hearthstone Announcements
14:30 Warcraft Rumble Announcement
19:42 WoW Classic Announcement
30:32 WoW Retail Announcements
What's your favorite announcement from all of these?!
when i see holy longdale there is no future….
I am playing WoW since the vanilla and the Warcraft too, but I think most of the game designers don’t play their games. They ruin lots of classes, specs on purpose, keep lots of gaming element broken. Ignoring the players base is their main task in every day. They are like Apple, who think the players dont know what they need. They always choose the easy way, not the right one.
Man Blizzard is ASS
I mean Blizzard could donate 50% of their sub fees for one month and drown the company in money instead of asking us to donate and sub. Or even say if you buy the pack you get a sub. Just saying.
Xaryu the glazer.
sweet now i have somewhere to hang out while i wait an hour to play 1 rated battleground
Shout out to all the p(l)ayers :))))
I love how Blizzard is constantly rehashing the old content and everyone is eating it up

. Why would they EVER innovate anything???
Retail classic FTW cant wait, gonna be lit
6:31 "guys, applaud if you are underpaid and overworked"
as someone who plays wow and other blizzard games from 2007 (im 39 ) i understand this is just a bussiness for u guys but remember that when u die u would remember what u have done during the time that u lived , u cant take anything with you in the grave
LOL…. Blizzard hooking the Classic junkies up to the mainvein again to milk more money out of them. Yall gotta be some of the DUMBEST people on the internet. Also, this is "Classic+" so enjoy!
They got rid of Ian? Thank god!
Oo wow we got classic again
whats insane about it. more re releases. cant wait for classic dragonflight
I dont get it.. classic and hardcore already exists.. but they just announced.. classic..again? and classic hardcore.. again? I'm confused..
How much does this company want to split their player base. Just bizarre
So glad I quit wow 6 years ago. Such junk. Literal waste of time.
Can't believe how low the game has fallen
Imagine a garrison like thing where ur other characters are roaming/guarding it. I can’t see why they can’t make it happen.
This really had to be the worst set of announcements ever for blizzard if they really think that this stuff was supposed to be exciting is just sad
classic recycled garbage once again and some ppl are hyped lol…
All they are doing is just recycling old crap how about making something new and not just a cash grab
wheres the new content, are we just replaying the same shit
lol people are still excited about doing classic. :DD at this stage classic might as well go down the Diablo route, where you have seasons with leaderboards. and server wipe like every 4-5 months. Its basically whats happening now haha
Literally all trash. Anyone who’s excited by any of this is either too stupid to realize you’re being milked or too stupid to realize this is a garbage level of content for the insane levels of money they make.
Y’all want the game to improve? Stop being excited about every single little thing and start being critical of every little thing. Nothing gets better if you keep saying it’s already perfect
Man stop investing on revamping old versions of the game and JUST MAKE the GAME BETTER…. Stupid having retail and still requiring tweaks and features yet focusing on classic just to try to keep player base
The most fun parts about these reactions of Xaryu here would be his Chat. xD
No matter what is being announced, there's always this one Guy spamming "L" as fast and as loud as he could x'DDD
Dude, it's hearth… Pronounced 'harth'
Warcraft 4 woulda been sick..
I'm wanting to start a petition to keep permanent TBC and Wrath serves
Heroes of Starcraft is so lame.. World of Starcraft would be insane, Starcraft with heroes added like WC..