4 Goldmaking Things to do Before Patch 9.1!! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video explains four things to do before Patch 9.1 comes out! This is directed towards goldmaking and prepping for the new patch. Make sure you do those vendor shuffles, level your alts, get your callings ready and stock up your materials!

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📁 My Shadowlands Goldmaking Spreadsheet:

✅ Gold Making Addons:

TSM, Loot Appraiser, WIT, Bagnon, Peddler/Scrap

0:00 Intro
0:37 Vendor Shuffles
2:59 Campaign + Flying
4:30 Callings Giving Gold
5:55 Stocking up Materials
8:20 Outro

🎵 Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/


24 thoughts on “4 Goldmaking Things to do Before Patch 9.1!! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Hey everyone to clear something up that I forgot to explain in the video: There are two patches coming. 9.0.5 and 9.1. The first patch is coming within the next 1-3 weeks and is bringing the nerf to the older vendor shuffles, 9.1 does not have a defined release date either but that should be coming within the next few months. All the other points in the this video is specifically talking about 9.1 release while the first point is talking about 9.0.5. Sorry for the confusion and thanks so much for watching!

  2. I've been wondering about stocking shadow lands materials, as i'm still very unsure about if they will introduce new materials. I know there will be 'a catch up' system in place for materials costing valor points but i don't know what this will mean for the market. So currently i'm a little reluctant to invest in certain things, but as you say potions and foods will sell regardless. But items like cloths, leathers and ores are potentially risky.

  3. Penguin2gt 9.0.5 is coming out before 9.1, do you mean this is being nerfed in 9.0.5 or 9.1? If 9.1 then I don’t think that will be dropped in a week. We are currently on 9.0.2. Can you clarify?


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