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In this video we are hyperspawn farming for the Goldenmane’s Reins & The Abyssal Fragments in stormsong valley!
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Get 50% OFF on the 0g – 10,000,000g Guide using code ' shadowlands ' here :
Or My New book: Burning Crusader Classic Gold Guide :
Thank you guys so much for all the support on the books <3 truly means the world to me!
Nice book Studen's blood.
nice mount studen
Nice gaming chair studen
hello studen are you at all worried about your tattoos scaring off all the kawaii japanese hotties? just wondering if that was something you took into account when you had them made..
I kinda knew about this mount and farm but no one wanted to do it
Do you know if you don't grey the mob out can it drop when you are in raid? Sometimes waiting for RBG queue I try to farm this solo but not sure if it can drop.
This farm is AWESOME 😀
Just tried this the other day, it seems way slower than it used to be
Yap, it’s a nice one 😉
Farming this spot since 2 hours + still no mount :S
That is a good one 🙂
Great video studen
Pog am in an example in the vid sadly no mount
I went on monk, farmed for like 20 min! and got the mount:)
Most realms the Goldenmane Reins Mount unfortunately isn't anywhere near 400k let alone 450k. Much closer to 300k on low pop realms, 150k on high pop realms. 400/450k is not a typical price for this probably was a market reset on that realm. Just pre-warning to those fellow Goblins who are considering doing this, check your personal AH before you dive into it so you can make sure you're happy with the price of it 🙂
what is your server
Mmmm a birdie tells me someone gave you some of these mounts 🙂
from 20k to 300k in a week, great guide. great videos. a lil more capital and I can really take off I think. keep it up.
Do you know any good raw gold farms? I'm tired of the AH because people LOVE to way undersell stuff. Like the Darkreach head piece goes down to around 20k sometimes on my server. Also the warbear leather keeps going down, when I farmed it the price was around 210 g per, now its under 180 g and I still havent sold half of mine even though I was consistently changing the price.
For raw gold I know during BFA there was skinning and leather working to sell to vendors, do you know of anything like that? I know the one in zuldazar has been nerfed (they were like 40g per weapon now its only 11g)
Hey Studen, nice videos keep it up! I'm curious to know how these new 4×4 groups work that have been popping up in the Shadowlands Pre-mades. Any insight on them and or what they mean by 4×4? Is it 4 groups with 4 people in each? Again, thanks for all the awesome vids!
None of ur theory works in game.
Please just stop making these and embarrasing urself
Never did this one Studen, great show as always. Stay well bro!
Just wanted to say ONE more time, THANK you STUDEN!! You were the first video I watched on gold making back in November last year. I was a 14 year vet Wow player and had ALWAYS paid with my credit card all those years. Never had alot of gold. Since last November and your first few Shadow lands videos and also buying your 10mil guide I have made well over 15 million gold in 5 months and its totally changed my Wow experience :D…. I have every mount I want, I buy any gear in the Ah I want. Its insane. LOL, I never thought I could be that guy with alot of gold..and honestly it isnt hard. its easier than getting geared up, IMO hahahah
I started with pure druid bear farming leathers and herbs in Ardeweald (reindeer route LOL) luckily back when they were selling for insane amounts. Then I jumped right into Ah flipping once I had 2 accounts going and paid for and a million nest egg. Now Im rolling in GOld on many toons and do what I want as far as gold making. I can never farm again and stay rich.. SO MUCH better way to play Wow lol. You and a few other good video makers have made it possible.
The haters can hate and say that these kind of videos are BS and dont work, and thats ok. Let us hustlers go get the gold. They can Sit back and whine lol…
Very rare drop. Farmed it multiple timpes in 2 × 4 teams , each time at least for 4 hours and no drop or 1 drop per entire team.
Is this worth farming solo with a druid?