5 Items you should be selling RIGHT NOW! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Thank you for watching! I hope you guys enjoyed this Video! Sorry for being sick however I hope this video helps you with some old world goldmaking tips! Make sure you go out and collect these recipes to ensure tons of gold 🙂

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0:00 Intro
0:30 Darkmoon Firewater
1:54 Goblin Gliders
3:37 Tome of Illusions
5:15 Old Glyphs/Certifications
7:38 Daily Cooldown Mounts
9:40 Outro

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com


6 thoughts on “5 Items you should be selling RIGHT NOW! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Goblin gliders are the best, i have 5 garrisons opptimized just to make gold off them, getting the ores and the furs from the garrison resources. Still haven't made a barn, wonder if it pays off since you have to sacrifice the tavern or the trading post…

    last week i was selling them for 40g per btw…

  2. Hi first let me tell you that i like your videos. I want start making gold and saw your video about flipping and i have a doubt with Ehnchanting. The amount of materials we get once desenchanted increased with the skill of profession or not. Cause i have currently 25 skill and dont know if this affect the amount materialas i get.

  3. i'm currently running bwl nef for the rare plans. last week i did 15 runs best drop was mooncloth circlet pattern worth 200k. was thinking about using it for my tailor and saw helm was only selling for 8k so ill throw that boy up would love more data


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