5 Things I Wish I knew When Starting Goldmaking! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over 5 things I wish I knew/was told whenever I was first starting out making gold. This video is a simpler more podcast-style video just talking about my previous experiences + my tips to help you make more gold quicker! Let me know if you have an questions and thanks so much for watching!

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0:00 Intro
1:02 Tip #1
4:25 Tip #2
8:06 Tip #3
10:15 Tip #4
12:34 Tip #5
17:35 Outro

🎵 Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


13 thoughts on “5 Things I Wish I knew When Starting Goldmaking! | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. I'm exactly like that… I just can't make myself go below a set amount of gold, or I feel like I stepped back, but in reality it's actually getting better at making gold 😀

  2. Long time watcher, first time comment. Loved this video! Started my gold making journey over Christmas break, when I came across your TSM profile. I had no idea where to start with gold making, or how to use TSM, but hitting the Run Post Scan using your profile made me so much gold. I started with ~400k and am now at 4.3 million. It was nice to have your profile, because then when I'd go, "how do I tweak this one group" or "how do I only scan for this set of items?" you already had a template for me to work with!

    It's really difficult for me to "spend money to make money" so it's good to know I'm not alone!

  3. As a beginner gold maker I love your beginner videos. I've made all my gold from mission tables, calling and flipping. You inspire me to want to get into crafting. As someone who has never done crafting, I'd love to see some content on what I should be crafting to make the most gold. I just leveled up cooking but have no idea what to make outside of feasts. Keep up the great work, us beginners appreciate it.

  4. I did not get into the leggo market early so playing catch up is a HUGE gold sink. When you put 1200 to 1500g in vendor items plus the crafting materials into a rank 1 that sells for 200g just so you can get undercut on rank 6 and 7 items it seems very counter productive. If you were in the market early when you could get crafting price or a little more for the ranks then it was well worth it.

  5. Great tips 🙂 I've made a few 100 million gold since i started goldmaking in BFA (at 170m liquid now, and I have spent ALOT on gametime, transfers, boosts, mounts , gear, copies of the game etc), and a couple of your tips that I highly, highly recommend to all players are re-investing (mainly for upcoming patches), diversifying (having all professions is key), using TSM (makes life SO much easier once you learn a bit of it), and exploring old markets (so many old things sell!)

  6. Excellent video. I also a good reminder for new beginners in WoW and gold making is too be patient. All gold makers say diversify but your not going to make millions over night without patience. They all were beginners at some point but they had patience and gradually grew in time. After some time and learning the game, diversify and with the help of addons in time you will grow too. But be patient. Don't expect to sell everything at once. Learn the market, learn tradeskills, do other game related things, don't stop on one area and again be patient. Its taken me years, research (which I learn something new all the time); but most importantly I remember to be patient. Sorry for expressing that so much, but its true.

  7. You have one of the more helpful gold farm channels, I mean spreadsheets and other helpfull tips. Im fresh goldfarmer- mostly I only farmed on the token, but I'm having more and more fun with the gold farm itself. thanks for the inspiration 🙂


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