6 Super Simple Goldmaking Methods for Casual Players | 9.2.5 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over 6 different methods on how to make some extra gold without having to play the AH or spend alot of time on it. These methods you can simply incorporate into your daily routine and start making some profit. The more time to dedicate to these methods, the more gold you will receive! Thanks so much for watching!

Drizzling Rose’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrizzlingRose
Quick Mission Table Setup Video: https://youtu.be/vF7spDV95RY

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0:00 Intro
1:33 Method #1
2:52 Method #2
4:07 Method #3
5:26 Method #2 Again?
6:32 Method #4
9:45 Method #5
10:45 Method #6
13:30 Outro

🎵 Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


22 thoughts on “6 Super Simple Goldmaking Methods for Casual Players | 9.2.5 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Hey everyone! I just wanted to provide some more Shadowlands specific tips for people who are watching when SL is still live (If you are from the future, I hope DF is really fun!):

    Mythic+ players & Calling Completers: Spend your Valor on Materials Boxes. The vendor near the weekly vault sells boxes of Elethium Ore, Lightless Silk and Heavy Callous Hide for 750 Valor each. If you have any left over valor just laying around, make some gold with them!

    PVPers: Spend your Honor on armor! If you have left over Honor sitting around not being used, spend it on some pieces of gear that you can sell to the vendor/disenchant for some extra gold (Taking Method #2 to the next level!). You can either check the price of Eternal Crystals before making your decision or use TSM if you have the addon installed to determine if DEing or Vendoring is your best bet.

    Anima Hoarders: As Shadowlands comes to a close and you have a ton of anima laying around, you can basically do the same thing like the PVPers, buy vendor armor/weapons and you can either DE or Vendor them. There are plenty of vendors around SL to buy from. (If you are interested in mission tables, dont accidentally spend all your anima on this method :P)

  2. my goal is to buy the brutosaur but iam so confused with what method i do should do that :C i gathered some transmog but nothing sales on my server. i made the most gold with mats sales. maybe its best to dont stress out and wait for dragonflight in order to make some good gold. i made in so far 88k gold in 20 days.

  3. I genuinely make all my money from running Daily Quests in ovenenat. 10k a day is 4 character, not including the money for getting the 1000 anima a week. And any paragon boxes you get (3-4k each)
    With the EU tokens going up a bit I@ve had to put some more effecot. BUt i've gotten to the point I mostly run on ym two mains, plsu the Korthia quest and i'm paying my own token every month (And I take days off too)

  4. My worst tips:
    1) go to your faction's capital, and use /beg
    2) create & delete 1000s of alts after sending the silver from their bags to your main
    3) attack npcs that drop at least 1 gold, do this 9million times, kaching, you're rich!
    4) never take any damage, save gold from 0 repair bills ;D
    5) goldshire..

  5. Penguin gives the best goldmaking advice. I do 5/6 of these methods. I don’t cancel scan.
    Mission Tables are the bomb! And TLDR (I only heard about and got this addon 2 weeks ago, ITS AWESOME!!!).
    I am about to hit 60 on my 8th toon. FYI: with 7 60’s at 2-3 checks a day on the mission table, I am making 20k, A DAY now thanx to that add-on.

  6. I would also like to mention time walking,
    next time is legion time walking, and you can spend your time walking badges on Legion crafting materials which can be sold on the auction house for quite A lot of gold,
    I like to buy ore and enchanting materials, I've Made about 200.000 to 700,000 gold the past couple times it's been up. Across my 50 characters 🙂

  7. Thanks for another amazing video Penguin! You answered questions I had floating around in my head about TSM doing vendor/disenchant shuffles. I was doing them manually for months! Now it's easier, so thank you very much!

  8. Mission table won't get nerfed after dragonflight launch tho? Like what happened to garrisons? Putting all that effort for 3 months left i think is not worth it. Correct me if am wrong. Thanks!

  9. I like your videos. One thought, re: disenchanting at max level: I wouldn't disenchant just everything, especially late in the expansion, it depends on what the item vendors for versus the value of the mats you are likely to get from it. This is certainly true on my server. I haven't disenchanted weapons for about a year.

  10. I always have a Auction Character set up to send all the BoE gear and crafting items to while I'm leveling or questing. I find having all my auctioning in one place, it makes it quicker to set up the auctions, and I don't have to worry I accidentally auction something I wanted to keep

  11. you wont get super rich over night doing mission tables but for me with 41 tables they add up fast, 600g per night times 41 is 24.6k or 172.2k per week or 600k per month. Now with catchups leveling is not so bad and then you can afford to be the guy who goes into m15s with a cauldren so everybody gets flasks for the run


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