6 Things To Do Before Patch 10.2.5! Dragonriding Everywhere, New Features, And More

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Outlaw Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Assassination Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:
Subtlety Rogue Dragonflight PvE Guide:

ADDONS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrABg_GvOcI


0:00 Things To Do Before Patch 10.2.5
1:17 Get Your Dragons Ready
3:48 Prepare Future Alts
5:01 Rediscover The Class Of Monk
6:49 Gilneas Reclamation Prep
7:50 Warlock Demon Prep
8:35 Catch Up On Story Before Epilogue Quests


20 thoughts on “6 Things To Do Before Patch 10.2.5! Dragonriding Everywhere, New Features, And More”

  1. I think the npc dungeon followers would be great early on . Like training wheels but instead of it being at level 70 you had at level 15 . I have never played a warrior /tank or melee class i am normally a hunter /balance druid/mage so i am always far from the face melting .

  2. Dragon riding is shit, try landing on a ledge, you know something is there, but cannot land as you cannot see what is actually a ledge, then you run out of energy, now try that again with input disability, finding it hard to control the finer adjustments, dragon riding might be fine for races, point to point, but for fine control, landing on a precise spot and not missing and falling with mobility issues is frustrating beyond belief. Result no further subs, why waste money on a game you cannot enjoy.

  3. crappy "guide". seriously. and the comment about this new patch not adding another raid……the end boss is already out and been killed, hence why he is called the END boss. anyways, make better videos guy, this one sux bad.

  4. Some of us don't need to make a new Worgen to get something from the new expansion of Gilneas content. I, for one, already have a Worgen Hunter. Who likes to get his claws dirty as mainly a Survival Hunter.

  5. Stop playing is the only thing you need, selling you reskins of content already in the game . not even giving you full xpacs any more for the same price as a full xpac. This game is stooping soooo low,


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