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The hype for the war Within Is once again growing because patch 11.1 is just around the corner. But before It arrives, there’s a lot of things you need to do to prepare, and even rewards to earn that will never be around again. I don’t want to waste any more of your time, so let’s jump right into the last chance preparations you need to make before patch 11.1arrives, to make sure you’re ready for the New World of Warcraft season.
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00:00 – Intro & Giveaway!
00:24 – S1 PvE Rewards / PvP
03:15 – Key Achievements / Rewards
04:25 – Key Events
06:01 – Level Up Bran
07:35 – Prepare Alts
09:12 – Collect Armor Sets
09:38 – Profession Prep
10:57 – Thank you all so much!
Really. "You just learned you get the portal from mythic +10". 😅 nice try bro. But you made the content for quite some time and this feature is persistent since shadowlands… please, be honest in videos, it makes you more trustworthy. Besides this, ty for video, was nicely done 😇
Hey man, as always, thanks for sharing.
M+ farming for portals? Nah I’ll skip that. Delves and leveling braan? Yes I’ll do that. I’m a returning player and just leveled a mistweaver monk for the first time, geared on siren isle and plan to go straight into delves.
Sorry about the lack of uploads guys! Just getting over COVID And a bad lung infection. But we're BACK!
I just don't like delves. The mechanics are annoying in just about every delve.
1000 rating in PvP doesn't give the seasonal cloak, it's 2100 rating for it. 1000 rating gives you the elite version transmog of your tier set. 1800 gives the full elite transmog set.
Also. The PvP seasonal mount doesn't go away. It can still be purchased later with saddles.
Just to clarify, you get that backpiece from clearing Zekvir on the first difficulty as well. It's purely the void customisation from ?? difficulty.
I couldn't be less interested… the zone looks awful to me
timewalking, you only need to run 4 to get that 30%buff for 3 hrs. running another after that just refreshes the buff