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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvP Shadowlands Guide:
Assassination Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
0:00 Intro
0:59 Class Changes
3:48 Master Loot
5:45 PvP Gear Changes
7:47 Legion Timewalking
8:57 Cross-Faction Play
11:52 Heritage Armor
13:08 Renown Catch Ups
14:40 Brawlers Guild Update
First up vote XD
What players want is way way less systems. Stop making players waste their time on shit they don't want to so they can play what they do want to play
Fix botting, stop all this boosting, make content and not systems, less RNG, ACTUALLY make BGs (players DO PVP)
Would be nice to get more than 1 patch ever 8-9months. Soo glad I stopped playing in Legion
ENHA SHAMANS need sum luv!!!
I think right now they are more worried about staffing the team than pushing a patch, does this guy actually reads stuff, or is he playing a different game than everyone else? Because as far as i have seen, the dude acts like it's vanilla and everything's perfectly going foreward.
So, why haven't you been pressing blade dance in your DH key clips? It hurts to look at 🙁
One thing ID LOVE to see is account wide pvp upgrade unlocks. As of right now I have to get renown 59 on EVERY character if I wan't to max out honor gear. I just want to grind bgs, I don't want to grind renown 🙁
Some good ideas! Thumbs up.
i think it would be better for blizzard to release an expansion every 2 years rather than every year to make a good expansion in one year is clearly too much for blizzard
Would we cool if we could get the recolored Argus Mythic mount from the Timewalking vendor.
As for Heritage armor, my guess is that they're saving that for 10.0, considering how lackluster this expansion has been so far. There was a leak that mentioned that SL and BfA were just precursors for 10.0
Too bad this game is shite. Players are dropping like flies.