Read more about Shadowlands ➜
0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Positioning
4:48 – Lack Of Damage
6:20 – Wasting Crowd Control
9:44 – Not Paying Attention To Enemy Cast Bars
11:25 – Not Using Interrupts Correctly
13:26 – Not Trading Cooldowns Properly
15:41 – Not Peeling When Needed
17:58 – Not Having A Proper Gameplan
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Trinket that sap.
I love you
how can you have platebuffs? is there a new version or an update? or just another addon that looks like it?
1-4 dont Q with RAG/QUEL/AZ/Drakkari/
What is the addon that shows the allied healthbars to the left of the character?
have to add this…remove all your "crutch" add-on's
How does Shadow Ward Death stop cc against the priest? Does it? Dang I really didnt know.
A tip that comes up a lot in the video: "Use communication to setup go's and cc's"
Me in lfg group: "Wanna use voice for better coms?"
Russian in lfg: "No voice"
Awesome work!!!!!
Biggest mistake I made was hitting "join queue"
These videos are great and helped me increase my rating last season the first time I ever hit 2k now I’m going for glad. Can you make a video about every classes major cool downs both offensive and defensive for every class?
anyone know the addon that druid has that shows/enlarges major cc's on the party frames?
Even if the feral didnt overextend he wouldve still got one shot.
I gotta say, these huge ui frames blocking half of the screen look so annoying to play around.. don’t you want to see the game? 😳