9.0.2 Frost DK Mythic+ Guide – Shadowlands

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Frost Death Knight mythic+ guide to dealing solid consistent damage to complete mythic keys.

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24 thoughts on “9.0.2 Frost DK Mythic+ Guide – Shadowlands”

  1. As always nice video man! At the moment I'm using 2H oblit on m+ as I don't have any good 1h weapon, but when I have it will give a try to this build, seems interesting even if it has BoS (damn I hate that talent hahaha)

    Btw which lvl of m+ are you pushing? I'm a little bit stuck with the +9 and +10, but I'm doing more damage than my unholy dk friend even without having the remorless winter legendary hahahaha

  2. The hardest part about FDK pve is not using all your runes right before RW is about to come off CD. Prolly why you can't reset all your runes anymore even though we need that ability back.

  3. Hi Hazzed, Thanks for your Vids!

    I really would like to have a talk with you at some point. I agree with many of your statements here.
    But I Also disagree in some points( f.e. to use BoS in general especially with the Necrolord Covenant), but its a bit much to write all of that down here.

  4. Interestingly though, i rarely see frost DKs in PvP, most people still play unholy, i guess because they find it easier to do high damage with little effort. But damn, the few frost DKs i've seen are really getting better and better at it. Saw this one guy on 5v5 duels, who solo killed all 5 people, one by one, smahing obliterates that hit for like 20-30% of people's health.That was just juicy and fun, the guy knew how to play and counter every class. 🙂 Thought to myself "Frost is back baby!''

  5. I just played 100 arena games with the frost dragon stun legendary and it's the coolest setup ever. Once chillstreak / snowball starts bouncing health bars start falling 🩸 I am jelly of Abomination Limb as I'm Venthyr, but you can still do cool things with door of shadows into blinding sheet, etc ❄️💀⚔️


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