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Here is my 9.0 Affliction Warlocks DPS Guide! With Aff’s revamp in Shadowlands I feel it is well positioned to be one of the better specs in Nathria and a real powerhouse as the expansion progresses!
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Intro: 0:00
Overview and Changes: 0:51
Single Target Talents: 4:27
AOE/Mythic + Talents: 9:35
Legendaries: 14:28
Conduits: 24:13
Necrolord Covenant and Soulbinds: 32:39
Venthyr Covenant and Soulbinds: 37:28
Night Fae Covenant and Soulbinds: 41:01
Kyrian Covenant and Soulbinds: 45:37
Covenant Rankings and Summary: 48:03
Single Target Rotation: 50:47
AOE/Mythic + Rotation: 53:47
Patreon and Outro: 56:37
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Great video per usual! I cannot wait till SL launches. I love the start of an expansion, seeing all those people out n about is the shit to me.
Thank you very much for this, incredibly detailed as ever. Could I ask how big the % dps difference is between choosing Kyrian versus Venthyr/Necrolord? If it's 5% or less I'm happy to take the bullet but if it's 10% or more I'm just going to pick another main because I'd rather not play lock at all this patch than have him join Kyrian or Night Fae just to be viable.
I'm looking forward to maining Lock this xpac, and boy am I happy I stumbled onto this channel. Not that wowhead is not nice, but this extra in-depth and spreadsheety analysis is baller. Nice work 😀
I deeply thank you for this video! I'm rerolling Warlock for SL and I NEEDED a guide like this!!
The thing with affli is, im so completely overwhelmed with a dozen dots to keep up on 2 dozen targets. CDs that dont really sync and at that point we havent even began talking about the actual boss mechanics you try to kill. Everytime i tried affli it felt so miserable. This Addon i will "steal" your UI 100% and give it a try in raids. Wish me luck 😀
Venthyr is so cool aesthetically with armor and effect, with an ability that looks/feels like it has oomph… with bad numbers. I'm sure they'll tune the #s on the ability itself eventually, but the conduits looks like they need the most balancing and that makes me wary…
who else was hyped when they got the noti
Your channel is a big reason enough for us to select warlock as our main. You can’t find a channel like this for other classes.
Great guide as always. Personaly thinking also for M+ and the special bonus covenants provide to specific dungeons, and keeping in mind that Night Fae is the least played covenant, i ll go with em, to secure a more easy spot M+. Sim wise i dont think theyre a lot behind, also i like the cheat death talent a lot
Awesome stuff, many thanks
Kalamazi clearly mentor Warlocks.Thank you for guide and we will wait for destro too.
Hey, you keep talking about "sims have been done". Is there a link to those sims? I dont really know where to look for those sims.
Great video as usual, thanks! 😀
Question, each legendary can be crafted in different gear pieces? For example, Perpetual Agony said ''Runecarve Chest and Finger'' meaning we can craft it has a chest or finger?
If this is the case, then what slots should we choose? Do we go for the ring to leave available the future chest set bonus gear slot? Or do we craft it has a chest for the stats?
Personally I dont care about the theme of the covenant. It is ridiculous for a warlock to be Kyrian but I care more about m+ and raids than I care for the RP aspects of the game. I know I said that I will go destruction because it has proven historically to be the safest spec to go for because while it can be average on ST on Cleave (and by the looks of it AoE , too) is a monster that can wrestle for no.1 spot with any class that dares to calls itself the best cleave spec or class.
If I am looking at Affliction's toolkit it seems that will be a far more rounded spec than it was in BFA and a safe pick for all types of fights. I dont have the time to invest in 2 specs so if its not the very best in one or two areas but pull decent numbers ( not wrestling with the tank on dps spots) I am ok with it. By that I mean that I dont have the time to invest in a manner to be as equipped as the main spec I pick. I will invest over time on a 2nd spec , however.
We all know kyrian is going to get nerfed before the raid anyway. Going to be switching covenants in the first month guaranteed, and I won't hate not being a Kyrian.
Thx for you work bro !!
oh mayyyn.. i dont like the situation with the covenents at all..
edit: i still go venthyr and swallow that huge ass pill..
Good video! Thanks
Great job like always brother. My Alt is going to be a demo / necrolord. Wish it had the damage to be my main but not sitting out either, going to main a fire mage.
amazing content
Great video. Thanks for the info. I still think focusing on the numbers related to covenants is way premature though. They're likely going to change the hell out of and tune them all early on in the expansion. Almost guaranteed to change stuff on raid release week….
Has there been a recent video where Kalamazi doesn't complain about Necrolord nerfs? It's time to get over it. Very good video otherwise. Thanks for the content.
I'm just glad my raidleader told me it's fine to go venthyr instead of kyrian, and still have my spot in the mythic group. In the end I'm certain that necro and vent will be buffed a lot or Kyrian will be needed even more pre raid or early after first sims, so not worried by going venth.
your recent videos have been very low volume
this night's nerf doesnt change your opinion on necro ? ^^
I was reading today that wowhead posted some changes about covenants in 9.0 and i was soo sad to read that "Let go of the past" from Pelagos, no longer grants 1% stacking up to 3% versatility, instead its reduce the magic dmg taken by the same amount… now, im sorry if i comment here about destro but im really worried and i was thinking about you kalamazi as the only person who can help me; Im really worried that now Kyrian isnt the way to go if i want to play destruction, idk what build or what covenant i will go for, will you make a video about Destro discussing this new huge nerf to his best covenant build ?