9.0 Shadowlands Pre-Patch Affliction Warlock DPS Guide! New Talents, Azerite, Essences and More!

Read more about Shadowlands โžœ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

Affliction is the spec that received the most changes heading into Shadowlands! Letโ€™s talk about those changes and how the spec looks in pre-patch!

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Intro 0:00
Overview and Changes 0:51
Single Target/Mythic + Talents 7:45
Essences 10:40
Azerite Gear 13:30
ST Rotation 16:21
Iris AOE Rotation 19:57
Blood of the Enemy Rotation 22:45
Pre-Patch Affliction Gearing and Thoughts 25:02
Patreon and Outtro 28:06

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49 thoughts on “9.0 Shadowlands Pre-Patch Affliction Warlock DPS Guide! New Talents, Azerite, Essences and More!”

  1. Hey kalamazi, with pre-patch is coming, i've been slacking to get Condensed Life-force rank 3 essence for single target in raids for affliction, also for the blood of the enemy, do you think Memory of Lucid Dreams would work for single target with Malefic Rapture?

  2. I stopped playing aff during Bfa because of how kinda awful it was in M+ but i watched this 29 min guide with passion lol. felt like a 5 min video. Am so happy it will be decent for keys <3 maybe not a top tier contender but for sure middle of the pack, and thats all we needed ๐Ÿ˜€ tnx for the guide

  3. So in aoe trash/m+ do we not want to put UA on more than 1 target? In your example UA was only on one target before Rapture. While we donโ€™t want to cap, wouldnโ€™t rolling an extra UA on another target be beneficial ?

  4. By any chance, do you have a guide or video for the macros you use? I'm struggling with all of the extra buttons this patch and looking to consolidate spells to clear up space on my bars.

  5. This will be my first time playing lock in retail, after maining it in classic for the past year or so. Affliction is looking really fun with Malefic Rapture ๐Ÿ˜€ Your videos are invaluable!

  6. As always..thanks so much for all the great warlock videos. I had a bit of trouble following the essences part. I went back 3 times but couldnt grasp it. Could you just for single target provide me with best major and minor combination. That would be very nice. Thank you in advance

  7. Thank you for everything you put into this! I played Destro basically all of BFA cause I wasn't a fan of post-Legion Affliction, but now I'm finally liking how Aff looks again and I'm excited

  8. I'm sure you've been asked this like every video, but I'll be maining aff warlock for the first time I'm having trouble keeping track of dot timers what are you using to see the timers underneath your character?

  9. What do when aoe vs more enemies? You showed 4 here, but if there is more, say 8, do you still wait to put agony up on all? Sometimes I end up at 5 shards before I've managed to

  10. Great guide ๐Ÿ™‚ What's that addon/weakaura at the middle of your screen that shows countdowns of all dots and light-up alerts for when theyre almost expired?


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