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Last but certainly not least is Demonology Warlock! While it might not have received as much love as Affliction, Demo is still looking to be a contender in pre-patch!
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Intro: 0:00
Changes: 0:35
Mythic+/ST Talents: 9:47
Essences: 14:40
Azerite: 16:58
ST Rotation: 19:18
AOE Rotation: 25:15
Patreon and Outro: 27:37
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RaiderIo –
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why there's no kalamazi for every other spec in the game?
I really hope demo is competitive, it’s my favorite lock spec.
Doom talent is an absolute waste of a talent, why arent they replacing/buffing it 🙁
Im going warlock main for SL, since FDK has been nerfed down to the ground :^(
I'm posting the mandatory meme ahem "DEMO KEKW"
Take some rest. U look tired
Oh ya, demonology!
The fix to consumption is going to be fun with the VOP major.
Thanks for all the warlock content my dude!
@kalamazi is Big Dogs build able to be played in prepatch or will it not be viable?
you are amazing @kalamzi and your guides are always on point but do me a favour hold you head up XD you look at your camera like you just got told off 🙂 please don't take offence, I've watched your grow this last year as a youtuber and streamer and i have nothing but respect for you XD.
What place does corruption have in Demo rotation? Is corruption still a thing for demo? I know it was talked about awhile ago as a new baseline for the spec.
Does anyone know if the conduit that buffs Felguard damage applies the bonus to Demonic Strength, Soul Strike and Grimoire?
When you upload, people still have to click popular uploads and then choose sort by newest. You need to fix that. It looks like everything is at least 9 months old. I think playing demo on trash is a fun idea, but going into afflic on the boss is where it's at. I hope that's viable, but if not ..fuck demo.
Thank you! Looking forward to giving it a go. I know it looks like it's going to under-perform in Shadowlands but I'd like to focus on the positives. In particular, I prefer how Demonic Consumption works as it's kind of like Thal'kiel's consumption which I miss. Also, it seems like there might be a little more flexibility with talents. Dogs build in particular looks great. Positivity!!
Kalamazi, do you know how our Vile, Grimoire Feldguard, and regular dreadstalker, imps,and pet's healthpools interplay with our stats? I feel Demonic Consumption will just be useless if our pets have low hp (ie: Summon Fel Guard; Observer)
One of the most underrated you tubers right here. Keep up the good vids
was waitin for it ! ty kalamazi !
Just joined you on Patreon. Do you have a weak aura set for prepatch? I see SL only
Thanks brother!
Have they fixed the totem system of despawning the tyrant? Since we do want to be using summon vile and fel now
I really, really wish Inner Demons was a better pick. I love the flavour of it, but it's just always outperformed by Grimoire: Felguard.
I am really looking forward to not having to juggle multiple gear sets because of corruption. Best stats and ilevel wins and just vendor the rest.
I am excited for VoP working with DC. But im excited for rain of chaos. Man i cant pick.
I absolutely love the change to Demonic Consumption. Instead of summoning an army of imps just to delete them, I can now properly have my Felguard, my Felguard's bigger badder brother, the demonic equivalent of a Ferrari (Vilefiend), two dogs with dreadlocks, however many firebolt-chucking demon babies I can spare, and spiky demon daddy, all attacking my target at the same time
Kalamazi you need a haircut my dude – Mojee
You're awesome
Is demo going to be viable? like seriously.. I really really want to main it but if the dmg difference is similar to 8.3 then I just can't do it
which addon shows how many imps I have summoned now?
Demonology rotation is so complicated!!!!!! I created a WA and now i need to update for pre patch T.T
I've noticed that demons from that talent Inner demons are pretty random.. sometimes it's just the voidlord/felguard (regular types)… sometimes demons like Prince Malchezaar could be summoned into fight which is really cool.. 😀
Is destro any good going into 9.0 ?if so what talents should I run
So destro or affli for nylotha reclear ?:d
You are by far my fave creator for anything warlock related. I am so glad I found your channel. Absolute goldmine here of information.
I still think we need the felhunter interrupt pvp talent baslined. I like Demo as it is now, but I really don't want to lose Implosion in SL. "The must his 3 targets" on the legendary just kills it.
TY for the guide! do you have link for your demo WA's?
i have to ask , im pretty new to warlock in general. is corruption worth casting as destruction or demonology and keeping uptime on it, becasue as destruction its the same cast time as incinerate but does almost twice the damage i think and same with demo, shadowbolt hits for 130 while corruption does 336. now granted im currently levelling so my haste isnt very high and my soul shard gen isnt quick either, so maybe at endgame it isnt even considered to cast corruption.
Do you think sac soul would be good with the Maldraxxus ability?
where can i get the week auras
i cant find the weakaura for pet duration top right (dogs, vilefiend, felguard) 😐
I feel like Crucible of Flame is doing more dmg than Breath
[MOAR DEMONS] or [Good damage]
Nether Portal it is then
Is it NOT a good idea then to implode your imps during the tyrant's phase?
This looks incredibly fun. I feel like its too complicated for me to play sadly 🙁
another thing which makes grimiore: felguard better than last expac is that axe toss, if it can’t stun, it will act as an interrupt which is a bit more added utility 😉
I wish grimoire felguard be replaced by 2nd permanent pet choice. Or let inner demon summon a doom guard that cast 2 doombolt and disappear. Nether portal should be baseline tbh. Having 1 cd as demo is ridiculous. I still prefer legion demo 🙂