9.0 Ultimate Enhancement Shaman Guide – Shadowlands Prepatch

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.tv

In this guide I go over how enhancement shaman now works with the Shadowlands changes during the pre-patch. Once shadowlands comes out there will be another guide since things will obviously change with legendaries, conduits, etc.

0:00 Intro
0:50 Talents
14:04 Single-target Rotation
24:59 Aoe Rotation
29:30 Essences
30:18 Stat Priority
30:53 Outro

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37 thoughts on “9.0 Ultimate Enhancement Shaman Guide – Shadowlands Prepatch”

  1. What about Ascendance in AOE situations ?, you don't mention about prio with Ascendance.
    For sure i think Ascendance is don't way to go in m+ scenario, big maybe in tyra week, but elemental spirits is a little bit useless right now (i hope they will change it, they say, feral and elemental spirits are weak but they don't do anything for a long time) and i believe Ascendance is only way to go.

  2. I can't really agree with you in the guide, i don't know how you did the math here, but i feel like Forceful winds is ST and AoE, i feel like that, even better with the WF totem… Second row, you can go Stormflurry (some says it procs on AoE, other says it doesn't proc) or you can go Ice Strike for AoE and Stormflurry in single target, then you can flame shock, Storm Strike (if you get maelstrom, you use Chain Lighting in AoE), Ice Strike then Frost Shock… I would consider Stormkeeper on AoE situations, before the pull, then you Chain Lighting, Flame Shock, Ice Strike, Frost Shock, Crash Lighting, Chain Lighting again, then Frost Shock… It's one of the hell rotation there

    Some people also goes for Earth Spike, but i think is better for M+ content, Ascendance in raids or in M+ whenever you see Tyranical

  3. Very nice vid and informative , The thing I hate about the most in the Current elemental spirits is that if you get fire spirit which buffs your fire damage you cant do much with it besides the Flameshock damage increase , now that Lava Lash has a 10~ cooldown and is your main fire damage ability( besides flame shock) you can press it like .. 2 times maybe?.. and waiting 1.5 minutes and getting this little damage if your are unlucky feels pretty bad . I won't mention feral spirits cause its also very bad cause its damage is very low at the moment which will hopefully get tuned aswell. Thanks for the guide 🙂

  4. Having played classic alot now I just can't seem to agree with blizzard going the "no-downtime" route. What is wrong about downtime? Why so many abilities? Where are all the shaman totems that we used to have?

  5. The cool downs and management are painful. The totems are a nuisance unless they give us the utility back to move around and have the 4 varieties. Trying to balance elemental spells with melee attacks is annoying. We need rockbiter back to fill in the gaps and have the added range.

  6. The rotation is actually crasy i dont like it…they added so many things and instead of "fixing the spec" they made it complicated ..still many talents will stay dead…why even bothering to "fix" the spec? Sometimes i think Blizz are changing smth just to say – "We did smth dont u see?"

  7. >Something new called Maelstrom weapon.


    All jokes aside, great vid. Still unsure whether to commit to Elemental or stay Enhance with the current Pre-Patch DPS charts.

  8. As a long time shammy, its reassuring to hear other shammy's are finding the spec similar to myself. An easy fix for fire nova would be to make lava lash spread flame shock to all or up to 5 targets. Been a long time but I'm pretty sure it used to be like that pre legion. Remove the RNG from wolfs and make them heal a certain % of the damage done. Make feral lunge, natures guardian baseline make ancestral guidance class-wide and also baseline, that would make us a lot more durable.

  9. Real good video, man. Lots to relearn with this spec. First impressions have been very negative for me, but I just did a dungeon run, trying to keep your advice about rotation in mind. It went a lot better. We'll see how we go. I want it to work.

  10. pugging m+ is shadowlands us dead inside of two months you will not fund a take to run you through a m+15 for no rewards pugging m+ is dead unless you can get your guild to carry you.

    if you thought getting denied for m+ was bad in bfa for enhancement just wait for shadowlands its going to be even worse.you wont get in to raids and the spec still sucks for pvp a disc priest does more damage then enhancement does right now.

    my advise is to play elemental or not a shaman at all for shadowlands.

  11. Am I the only one who plays Ele-Blast, Ice Strike and wolves?
    And My stats are Mastery > Everything else.
    ElementalBlast is insane with wolves since it scales with the firewolves pretty well.
    Also Ice Strike gives you the back to back frostshock.
    which makes Frostshock hit like a truck if you get MS -> Frostshock -> SS -> IceStrike -> MS -> Frostshock.

  12. how does the raidbots website work like how do i know what i need more or less off also is the dps number an average of what i do or what i should do with my gear?

  13. I am relatively new to the Shammy Community! Been tanking since Vanilla, and trying something new. Enjoyed the video! Forgive what may be a dumb question to others… What is your Shammy dual wielding!?!? I must get one! OMG they are beasty!

  14. Very nice video. Could you pls explain ascendence in an aoe rotation? If ss is low priority in an aoe environment, why spam ss with ascendence? How is the aoe rotation with that talent?


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