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0:00 – Intro
0:32 – S Tier
1:34 – A+ Tier
2:43 – A Tier
5:18 – B Tier
7:09 – Recap
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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, tier list, best, class, spec, 9.1.5, healer, healing, paladin, priest, shaman, druid, monk, resto, restoration, mw, mistweaver, disc, discipline, holy, comp, talent, spec, conduits, covenant, composition, 2s, 3s, 2v2, 3v3
Lmfao “and will cdew ever log off tbc” 😂😂😂 that shit was funny.. I love cdew
How did rdruid go down from S tier? 🤔
Everyone knows, top healers are mages, ferals and prot paladins 😛
Where are mages, ret and feral tho? Disgusting healing.
But to leave something positive, I think healers are very well balanced and all are viable.
Imagine being a 2.7 exp hpal and can’t get through 2.4 at 9.1.5… crazy
Dude prot palys literally outheal my rdruid every time
People are still playing this garbage?
As HPal i dont know why they nerfed Palas so hard in 9.1. Revert the changes and Pala will be back in a good state. Not OP, not Bad …. just balanced
That wheelchair intro lmao
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