9.1.5 TIER LIST – BEST MELEE in Shadowlands!

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0:00 – Intro
0:30 – S Tier
3:22 – A+ Tier
5:21 – A Tier
6:42 – B+ Tier
7:56 – B Tier
8:55 – C Tier
9:41 – Recap

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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, tier list, best, class, spec, 9.1.5, melee


34 thoughts on “9.1.5 TIER LIST – BEST MELEE in Shadowlands!”

  1. Idk about that fury placement man, I really don't. I got fucked up at 2.5 by a fury warrior yesterday. He bursted for 18k and shredded me though a high wall and my healers CDs. It was actually maddening I swear

  2. Let me do this before watch the video GOD/OMEGA/OUT of UNIVERSE TIER – Arms Warrior , then far away A TIER – WW/Rets/Feral (MEME/Ferrari/Hybrid)/Rogues (SUB,ASSA) and last B TIER – DK/DH/ENHAM/OUTLAW/SURVI/FURY ty

  3. Just FYI, as someone who has fluctuated within the rival bracket for most of shadowlands, I wanted to try skill capped to watch the arena breakdowns from their assa rogue who I like a lot (razqt). Skill capped RARELY updates their arena breakdowns. I had to pay 12.99 for the month bc I didn’t pay for the year in full and they had one single arena gameplay that wasn’t from 9.0 and it was a breakdown vs a kyrian monk which isn’t even seen anymore. Kinda a waste of 12.99, but if you literally don’t know how classes work/how to manage DRs, it could provide value

  4. Once again, wrong. Sin rogue is far better than sub right now. Like, by far. War is just OK, and easily killed. WW, Ret, and DH are the problem right now. Whoever is making these vids doesn't play arena or look at patch notes.


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