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0:00 – Intro
0:30 – S Tier
3:22 – A+ Tier
5:21 – A Tier
6:42 – B+ Tier
7:56 – B Tier
8:55 – C Tier
9:41 – Recap
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Concepts: wow, world of warcraft, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, arena, wow pvp, tier list, best, class, spec, 9.1.5, melee
Nice list
Necrolord is the best option for warrior i think.
1:08 How did he remove the disarm effect?? pvp trinket can remove that?
Idk about that fury placement man, I really don't. I got fucked up at 2.5 by a fury warrior yesterday. He bursted for 18k and shredded me though a high wall and my healers CDs. It was actually maddening I swear
i play fury on 2200cr+ in 2v2 its not that bad. U guys are define the meta. nobody play´s fury coz u guys told anyone its shit. I beat the shit out a lot necro arms warriors.
6:35 not even true, they were bad bfa s4
Outlaw should be higher, DH should be lower and arms should be in a tier of it’s own..
What adding is that that shows you how much damage each attack does ?
great vid as always skillcapped, looking forward to best ranged and healers
The guy who does the voice over for these videos is underpaid for sure. Quality content guys.
this list is complete dog
name of the background song?
let me guess before watching the video. warriors and monks are still op
monks arent that good.
Yeah monks need quite a juicy nerf <3
Buff necro warrior
Wow, rogue, warr and monk on top again, what a surprise ((((:
ight ……tht monk cloud high ven shit was sooo good LOLOLOl
Outlaw B tier. Ok.
Let me do this before watch the video GOD/OMEGA/OUT of UNIVERSE TIER – Arms Warrior , then far away A TIER – WW/Rets/Feral (MEME/Ferrari/Hybrid)/Rogues (SUB,ASSA) and last B TIER – DK/DH/ENHAM/OUTLAW/SURVI/FURY ty
The melle that has the most players above 3 k rate is survival hunter. I really don't think survial is A tier only and at the same level with dk
Disagree with this list. If the warriors are S-tier, then ferals & DHs are S+tier & the Monks are S++tier.
outlaw b tier? loooool, i played outlaw, destro, restosham to 2.6 this ssn 🙂
nice, waiting for rage tier list
Just FYI, as someone who has fluctuated within the rival bracket for most of shadowlands, I wanted to try skill capped to watch the arena breakdowns from their assa rogue who I like a lot (razqt). Skill capped RARELY updates their arena breakdowns. I had to pay 12.99 for the month bc I didn’t pay for the year in full and they had one single arena gameplay that wasn’t from 9.0 and it was a breakdown vs a kyrian monk which isn’t even seen anymore. Kinda a waste of 12.99, but if you literally don’t know how classes work/how to manage DRs, it could provide value
Well fuck this warrior
If no one played mele cleaves the game would literally b awful thats sucha bad take lmfao imagine every q is rm jg or double caster dampery😭🤷♂️
Once again, wrong. Sin rogue is far better than sub right now. Like, by far. War is just OK, and easily killed. WW, Ret, and DH are the problem right now. Whoever is making these vids doesn't play arena or look at patch notes.
Here's a list that actually reflects the current state of the game: S: ww, ret, arms, Sin. A+: Feral, Sub, DH. All else.
Why Monks are Gods right now?
I bet the dev team of WoW PvP is watching some Kung Fu movies marathon.
Yup still not worth coming back