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Too late, and I don’t care anymore. Having fun in FF14 and a ton of new games just came out on PS5.
Yeh, enjoy your half an hour content, but take it seriously, the next one will be in another 8 months
It occurs to me that late November to late June is just one month over the "four 6-month seasons" mark if they keep it up, and if the "extended expansion tail" is doled out by all four of those seasons being a month or two longer… 9.3 can still happen! If you look at an expansion period as a two year affair with some lull periods somewhere in that time… I man we're so used to them going 6ish months per season then tacking 4-5 months on the end of the last season. They're not obligated to hold to that. Better to look at it as a two year(ish) thing with some lull months interspersed. We don't necessarily get those months at the end! Looking at it from a distance, a "seasonal" branding to the patch cadence has never really meshed well with a "tail" extending one season so much. The idea of "not worth playing until X.3" has creeped into the collective consciousness of the game and it's in their best interest to dampen that.
The fact the the preview was only 30 seconds and they couldn't even bother to let us put it in full screen and it wasn't in 1080p doesn't bode well for 9.1 for me. I was kinda of getting excited for 9.1, but this but me right back to where i was.
Too fast
I only play ff14 but I hope this patch is good for you guys 😊
Seven months with about a month of content to play, so forgive me if I suspect there won't be much content for me with this patch either.
I am enjoying FF too much to care about this release now lol
Here we go.
One thing that people don't consider much is… 6 months should be the reasonable period in between patches, and the longest initial wait time should be the first patch, as you start with the leveling, initial adventure and base game to boot, then the patches are going to be smaller than the initial game, meaning if anything, the first wait is expected to be the longest
Now, how long do wow expansions last? Roughly 2 years (21+ months). Meaning on average, you should have wait time of 6 months for the first, 5 months for the 2nd and 5 months for the 3rd content patch so you have a total of 16 months in between content and 5+ for the next expansion. That's a reasonable cycle
What wow players are used to is getting things fast and having almost a long year wait until the next expansion.
Also, people say "oh this PTR has taken forever" but at that release date, it's 2 months 16 days, so 2.5 months, just like BFA and other previous PTR cycles. It isn't out of the ordinary, considering just how much this patch brings, compared to 8.3, that took over 3 months, it's fair and reasonable to say the cycle lasted the appropriate time.
I really don't get why people gotta be so little rational about this, it's just math and history, look back, people now are like goldfishes, everything that's happening now only happens now and the past was always better. BFA was the worst during BFA, no Shadowlands is the worst and next xpa that one will be the worst when it's current. Really if they hate the game that much, just go play something else, who's holding you hostage to play "a shitty game"?
I'm into ESO, do i want to come back home. Hmmm…. well if i have to i guess. LOL
Love it! I´m hyped!!
I bet the patch isn't fully ready but they had pressure to push the release because of ff 14
Just in the middle of summer holidays season.. what a hell!
Big deal. Ok when will 9.2 launch. lol
I'll just sit back and wait ……
Unpolished, rushed, basic. Well that is Blizz MO
i saw this on my battlenet launcher last night and needless to say i was like "thank fuck, i actually can do more on my main soon, flying is gonna be nice."
Too little too late im afraid
I hope I am wrong. But it's gonna be bugged as fuck 🤣🤣🤣. I hope they didn't rush it. Btw. You can tell that you are happy for 9.1. New content. But that "sigh" made of relief for finally getting the patch also seems to be peppered with a bit of shame or maybe a bit of disappointment for putting all your chips on a company which is not living up to the expectations and respect its loyal player base. Again I hope I'm wrong and 9.1 is the beginning of a new and better era of wow. For you and everybody who still enjoy the game despite the dick in the salad.
Too late, after playing 4-8 hours per day since release till Half of March I totally lost my interest. Also hmmm looks like they are rushing now 🙂
Given the long wait this better be the best .1 ever.
An actual wow video, only been up a few hours, already more views than both the previous final fantasy videos. Another hour it will have more views than both of them combined. How telling.
repeating that shit was annoying.
I’m going to take a wait and see approach for 9.1 before I resub
a waste of time
Okay this is great. When's 9.2? lol
Probably just bad and boring content, I lost hope on wow already
no thx same bs as 9.0
its going to be rushed and unfinished
props to everyone who stayed at 9.0 all along
7 Months on the same raid my guild fell apart out of boredom… 9.1 too little too late for me and my community. Were just gonna wait for BF2042.
So many have already dropped wow due to Bordom , i miss so many friends who are just Gone.
9.1 is more of the same. Same systems, same bland design, time-gates and the same M+ dungeons only worse this time around. 9.1 won't change a thing so time to get on the "9.2 will definitely save WoW" copium train.
Yeez. of those seven months, I only played Shadowlands for about one month. 1:45
Classic had more of my attention.
took 7 months without any fucking content LOL … im gone to ffxiv now … and let me tell you … im a wow fan since 20 years …. and as soon as i reached level 70 in ffxiv wow was dead for me in any points / elements of the game … FFXIV BEATS WOW HANDS DOWN !!!!!!!
Hmm started ff14 out of boredom from 9.0.5 and I'm not even excited about 9.1..guess I'm sticking to ff14
Lol and the whole patch will be buggy as hell. Then u be back to being disappointed.
I'm really happy for you gals and guys the higher content you can gear up. This coming from a guy to scared to step foot in a reg. mythic dungeon quest are my limit. Happy hunting/healing and in r/l stay safe and healthy ….love your videos Soul
damn..I fail to understand how is thia remotely exciting..
TBC is pretty dope but I can muster enough energy to even download retail anymore..
I sure hope the content isn't a disappointment; I've heard they're REALLY bungling the beta testing communication for 9.1! (I just hope it's better than 1.9!!!)
Watch all the wow refugees in ffxiv come flooding back with forgiveness in their hearts.
They are trying to staunch that FFXIV bleeding, especially once they saw Asmon say that he was going to go play it, since he is a pied piper who will bring a lot of people with him…
"I can finally put that on hold" kekw! I love that answer, hopefully those other guys don't hate rage on you too much.
Too Soon! I'm still struggling with 9.0 lol. Glad to see new content but its always faster than me.